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Everything posted by khalil-yazji

  1. They need to be rotating in opposite direction because of how they are mechanically coupled. I tried to change EncCtrl for one of the motors to swap the counting on the PMAC but that caused issues with phasing.
  2. Hi I have a setup where I need to drive to motors in leader follower configuration. However, these two motors need to be moving in opposite directions to drive the axis (ie #1j+ #2j- for the axis to move +). I had used the GantryXCtrl method before but all the motors where moving in the same direction. I couldn't find any setup variables to command the follower motor to move in opposite direction. Is this possible and if so how to do it?
  3. Was this referring to a closed loop move, like a jog move or motion program? Yes this is using jog commands or motion programs.
  4. We are using Voltage mode control. these values shouldn't have any effect in this case.
  5. Thanks for your reply. When turning the motor by hand I can't feel any difference between the two directions and the motor is just setting on a bench so gravity is not a factor. The voltage mode is used because we have a very noisy current feedback that made it very hard to close the current loop, running the motor with normal direct PWM current control is really hard as we can't tune the current loop sufficiently.
  6. Hi I was testing an AC brushless motor when I noticed that even when driving the motor unloaded one direction requires about 20-30% more current to move at the same speed. I'm taking the current readings from IqCmd and IqMeas to compare. According to the motor supplier this shouldn't happen, so I'm investigating if this could be caused by some setup elements. The motor is driven using Voltage-Mode Direct-PWM Control. Here are the motor settings I'm using, these live in a pmh file: Sys.WpKey = $AAAAAAAA Acc24E3[3].Chan[2].AdcOffset[0]=9699328 Acc24E3[3].Chan[2].AdcOffset[1]=-6225920 Acc24E3[3].Chan[2].InCtrl=$42043 Acc24E3[3].Chan[2].OutCtrl=$f200004 Acc24E3[3].Chan[2].AtanEna=1 Acc24E3[3].Chan[2].PackInData=0 Acc24E3[3].Chan[2].EncCtrl=3 Acc24E3[3].Chan[2].PackOutData=0 Acc24E3[3].Chan[2].PwmFreqMult=2 Sys.WpKey = $0 EncTable[19].index2=240 EncTable[19].pEnc=Acc24E3[3].Chan[2].AtanSumOfSqr.a EncTable[19].ScaleFactor=0.0000152587890625 Motor[19].Servo.Kp=0.80000001 Motor[19].Servo.Kvfb=0 Motor[19].Servo.Kvff=10 Motor[19].Servo.Ki=8.0000001e-7 Motor[19].PhasePosSf=9.5367431640625e-7 Motor[19].ProgJogPos=3.16202013338397788e-322 Motor[19].IiGain=0 Motor[19].MotorTa=-2 Motor[19].MotorTs=5000 Motor[19].JogTa=0 Motor[19].JogTs=5000 Motor[19].MaxSpeed=3000 Motor[19].JogSpeed=3000 Motor[19].HomeOffset=5.5284086e9 Motor[19].FatalFeLimit=10000 Motor[19].WarnFeLimit=4000 Motor[19].MaxPos=262144 Motor[19].MinPos=-5.5190001e9 Motor[19].InPosBand=2000 Motor[19].I2tSet=4602.6406 Motor[19].I2tTrip=7.3581094e8 Motor[19].MaxDac=13369.574 Motor[19].pDac=Acc24E3[3].Chan[2].Pwm[0].a Motor[19].pAdc=Acc24E3[3].Chan[2].AdcAmp[0].a Motor[19].pPhaseEnc=Acc24E3[3].Chan[2].AtanSumOfSqr.a Motor[19].pEncStatus=Sys.pushm Motor[19].pEncCtrl=Sys.pushm Motor[19].EncType=0 Motor[19].LimitBits=0 Motor[19].PhaseFindingTime=1 Motor[19].pAmpEnable=Acc24E3[3].Chan[2].OutCtrl.a Motor[19].pAmpFault=Acc24E3[3].Chan[2].Status.a Motor[19].pLimits=0 Motor[19].AbsPhasePosOffset=1191.8199 Motor[19].AbsPhasePosFormat=$1010 Motor[19].AbsPhasePosSf=0.0625 Motor[19].pAbsPhasePos=Acc24E3[3].Chan[2].AtanSumOfSqr.a Motor[19].AbsPosFormat=$1002000 Motor[19].pAbsPos=Sys.pushm+$98 Motor[19].CaptControl=$13000000 Motor[19].pCaptFlag=Sys.pushm Motor[19].pCaptPos=Sys.pushm Motor[19].Control[0]=$14006080 Motor[19].ServoCtrl=1 Motor[19].PhaseCtrl=4 Motor[19].PowerOnMode=6 Motor[19].PhaseSplineCtrl=0 Motor[19].PhaseMode=8 Motor[19].CaptFlagBit=19 Motor[19].CaptPosRightShift=0 Motor[19].CaptPosLeftShift=0 Motor[19].CaptPosRound=0 Motor[19].pEncLoss = Acc24E3[3].Chan[2].Status.a Motor[19].EncLossLevel=1 Motor[19].EncLossBit=31 Motor[19].FaultMode=1 Motor[19].Ctrl = Sys.ServoCtrl Motor[19].ExtraMotors = 0 Motor[19].CmdMotor=0 Thanks in advance
  7. How long is the delay between killing the motors and enabling the brakes? Is it the same delay defined in Motor[x].BrakeOnDelay?
  8. I'm looking for a way to check if a motor has moved between shutdown and next power up. At the moment I'm checking visually that nothing has moved then restore saved position using these commands in the terminal Motor.PowerOnMode = 6 Motor.pAbsPos = Sys.Ddata.a Motor.HomeOffset = -Sys.Ddata Motor.HomePos = 0 Motor.AbsPosFormat = $01002000 #i hmz where Sys.Ddata contains Motor.ActPos and saved using the custom save function. I'm planning to implement this in a start up procedure in a plc. What would be the best way to check if the motor hasn't moved and restore the saved position?
  9. It only seems to happen when starting the motion program from the HMI. I'm using the same commands both in the terminal and the C app to start the program error_code += Command("&1 enable"); error_code += Command("&1b2r");
  10. Thanks for the reply, is x here a percentage or a value between 0-1?
  11. I couldn't replicate the issue by running the same motion program from the terminal.
  12. I came across the function JogSpeed in the PPMAC C language manual and according to the manual I couldn't find any reference to what is the unit of velocity parameter in this function. and while testing it in my app I noticed that the motor ActVel is actually higher than the parameter and in some cases even higher than Motor[x].JogSpeed and Motor[x].MaxSpeed. How to probably use this function and how does it work (ie. how does it command a motor to jog at a specific speed as there's no equivalent to this in the on-line commands)?
  13. I don't think I'm using lookahead. Coord[1].LHsize =0, Coord[1].SegMoveTime =10. is the lookahead enabled or disabled by default? and how to make sure it's disabled?
  14. when creating the motion program the app adds a space but when reading the motion program in the terminal using list prog it shows no spaces. I even removed the dwell 0 completely and I'm still getting the same issue.
  15. when this happens the global variable doesn't change at all. it feels like the motion program gets stuck at the move line and doesn't continue even though in task manager it's still running and the motors are still enabled. I tried the synchronous assignment and it doesn't seem to make any difference. Here's an example of the motion programs created by the C app: linear abs ta0 ts5000 frax(bb,cc) F0.000054 BB446.704468CC500.401489dwell0P8204++ dwell5000 P8212==1dwell0 P8428==1dwell0 most of the motion programs created in this app are similar to this example as they are usually a single move on 1-4 motors. ps. when the program get stuck even the P8204++ at the end of the move line is not executed.
  16. Thanks for your reply. I can't see anything else looking off in the coordinate system and I checked the errorstatus and it's 0. one thing I noticed that when this happens Coord[1].Ldata.Status is 112 and when the motion program works fine it's 96. by looking at the manuals this is related to single step mode. but I'm not using that.
  17. Hi all I have a C app that receives a set of target positions from an HMI over UDP connection and make them into a motion program. at the end of the motion program it sets a global variable flag that triggers a response in the rticplc and/or plc to kill all motors. Most of the time this method works fine but I noticed sometimes the motion program will finish the move but the motion program will keep running with the motors still enabled but not moving and the global flag doesn't get set to kill the motors, when this happens the BlockRequest bit in the running motors status is true. I looked into the manuals and the software reference for information on BlockRequest but couldn't find anything conclusive about it. What is the BlockRequest bit and why is it stopping the motion program to terminate and how to prevent this issue from happening in the first place? Thanks in advance.
  18. Hi I was trying to run a motion program in a coordinate system that has ~20 motors, and I set the automatic brakes on these motors. To run the motion program all the motors in the CS need to be enabled before issuing the run command. However, this will release the brakes on all the motors even the ones not moving in that motion program. Is there a way to only enable motors when they are moving instead of enabling the coordinate system at the beginning?
  19. I'm controlling few motors in a robot using Power PMAC and I want to find a way to detect when the robot is idle and when it is moving, I used Coord[x].InPos in the testing and it seems to be doing what I need but I'm not sure if this is the correct way of detecting idle motors, or is there a better way to do it.
  20. My c program receives a message from an HMI and creates a motion program using the Command() function. is there anyway to read the motion program after it was created from the IDE or any other way?
  21. Hi I have a similar case. I was using virtual motors to test my program and the Position window was showing me the correct motors positions, after updating from IDE 3 to 4, the position window show the position divided by 69905 and the option to change this number is grayed out. when checking the position from the terminal it's the correct number. only the position window shows this number. the following code is used to setup the virtual motors. L0=1 Ldata.Motor=L0 //DKILL Motor[L0].Ctrl=Sys.PidCtrl // This can be set to Sys.ServoCtrl for using advanced filters. Sys.PidCtrl adds less CPU load in comparison. Motor[L0].ServoCtrl=1 //this value should be larger than 0 for the motor to be activated and used in application. Motor[L0].pAmpEnable=0 //If no amplifier-enable flag is used for the motor, this element should be set to 0, disabling the function for the motor. Motor[L0].pAmpFault=0 //If no amplifier-fault flag is used for the motor, this element should be set to 0, disabling the function for the motor. Motor[L0].pLimits=0 //If no hardware overtravel limit flags are used for the motor, this element should be set to 0, disabling the function for the motor. Motor[L0].pEnc=EncTable[L0].a // specifies the address of the register Power PMAC reads for the ongoing outerloop feedback for the motor. The outer loop is virtually always the position loop for the motor. Motor[L0].pEnc2=EncTable[L0].a //specifies the address of the register Power PMAC reads for the ongoing innerloop feedback for the motor. The inner loop is virtually always the velocity loop for the motor. Motor[L0].pDac=Sys.Idata[L0].a //instructs Power PMAC where to place its output command value(s) for Motor by specifying the address of the register. Sys.Idata is a 32-bit signed integer user shared memory buffer. EncTable[L0].type=11 EncTable[L0].pEnc=Motor[L0].IqCmd.a EncTable[L0].pEnc1=Sys.pushm EncTable[L0].index1=0 EncTable[L0].index2=0 EncTable[L0].index3=0 EncTable[L0].index4=1 EncTable[L0].index5=255 EncTable[L0].ScaleFactor=1/(256*(EncTable[L0].index5+1)) Motor[L0].PosSf=360/(24*exp2(20)) Motor[L0].Pos2Sf=360/(24*exp2(20)) //Motor[L0].Pos=10 //power-on servo position Motor[L0].AbsPosFormat = $00002000 // have 32-bit signed register for simulated encoder Motor[L0].AbsPosSf = 1 // want 1 to 1 in this register Motor[L0].HomeOffset = 0 // no offset //Motor[L0].pAbsPos = Sys.UData[100].a //Motor[L0].HomePos=150 Motor[L0].Ctrl=Sys.ServoCtrl Motor[L0].FatalFeLimit=10 Motor[L0].WarnFeLimit=5 // Adjust the following values based upon the application Motor[L0].MotorTa=10000 Motor[L0].MotorTs=1000 Motor[L0].MaxSpeed=0.172 Motor[L0].JogSpeed=0.005 Motor[L0].InvAmax=1/5.471960662E-4 Motor[L0].InvJmax=1/5.471960662E-4 Motor[L0].InvDmax=1/5.471960662E-4 Motor[L0].JogTa=0 Motor[L0].JogTs=250 Motor[L0].InPosBand=0.0005 Motor[L0].InPosTime=9 Motor[L0].Servo.Ke1=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Ke2=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Kf1=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Kf2=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Ka0=1 Motor[L0].Servo.Ka1=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Ka2=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Ka3=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Ka4=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Ka5=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Ka6=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Ka7=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Kb0=1 Motor[L0].Servo.Kb1=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Kb2=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Kb3=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Kb4=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Kb5=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Kb6=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Kb7=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Kc1=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Kc2=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Kc3=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Kc4=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Kc5=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Kc6=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Kc7=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Kd1=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Kd2=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Kd3=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Kd4=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Kd5=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Kd6=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Kd7=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Kp=8000 Motor[L0].Servo.Kvifb=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Kviff=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Kvfb=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Kvff=69905.055 Motor[L0].Servo.Kafb=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Kaff=69905.055 Motor[L0].Servo.Ki=9.9999997e-5 Motor[L0].Servo.Kfff=0 Motor[L0].Servo.MaxPosErr=10000 Motor[L0].Servo.MaxInt=28000 Motor[L0].Servo.BreakPosErr=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Kbreak=0 Motor[L0].Servo.OutDbOn=0 Motor[L0].Servo.OutDbOff=0 Motor[L0].Servo.OutDbSeed=0 Motor[L0].Servo.SwPoly7=0 Motor[L0].Servo.SwFffInt=0 Motor[L0].Servo.SwZvInt=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Kxpg=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Kxvg=0 Motor[L0].Servo.Kxig=0 Motor[L0].Servo.EstTime=0 Motor[L0].Servo.EstMinDac=0 Motor[L0].Servo.NominalGain=0 Motor[L0].Servo.MinGainFactor=1 Motor[L0].Servo.MaxGainFactor=1 Motor[L0].Servo.MaxW=0 Motor[L0].Servo.MaxDR=0 Motor[L0].Servo.MinW=0 Motor[L0].Servo.MinDR=0
  22. Hi I used this code to simulate 26 virtual motors in my application. I want to do some software testing before implementing the code to the real thing. I found that I can trigger Motor[x].FeFetal by setting motor[x].FatalFeLimit to zero. is there any way to trigger other faults like Motor[x].AmpFault, I2TFault or EncLoss, by changing some software variables?
  23. Hi all I want to get time since startup in a background C app in milliseconds. what are the precision and drift of time functions in C like GetPmacRunTime() and GetCPUClock()? in the manual these functions return time in seconds and microseconds respectively. However, I was testing with GetPmacRunTime(), I found that it's value has some numbers after the decimal point. Can I use this number to get time in milliseconds just by multiplying by a 1000 or do you suggest better solutions to get milliseconds?
  24. Thanks for your reply. I got the help files for C API. In functions like GetResponse and Command they return an integer for status. 0 is OK and negative number for error number. is there any list or information about what are the error numbers for these functions? I have done some testing in Command() and found the following error numbers: -31 for syntax error. -20 for program not open -22 for calling a program which is not in buffer. Are those codes correct? Thanks
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