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  1. I’ve been trying to install PowerPMAC IDE The installation has successfully taken place, but when I try to create a new project (no matter if it is a PowerPMAC, a Power PMAC with EtherCat or PowerBrick_LV), the following error appears : “Project PowerPMACxx.ppproj is newer than the supportrd project version of this PowerPMAC IDE. Please upgrade to the latest version of PowerPMAC IDE”. This of course can’t be true, as the version is the latest. Some probably helpful information : My computer is running Windows 10. I had installed Visual Studio 2017 (Community) months before the installation of PowerPMAC IDE. During the first installation of PowerPMAC I had to install (as part of the whole installation process) Visual Studio 2015 (Isolated). Having suspected afterwards that this could be connected with the problem, I uninstalled Visual Studio 2017, but the problem remained. Now I have reinstalled Visual Studio 2017. I have also restored my PC, upgraded to newer Windows 10 version, done almost everything except reinstalling Windows. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the IDE 4 many times but the result is always the same. I have also tried with earlier versions of IDE 4. What is remarkable is that I can’t perform the installation of any version PowerPMAC IDE 3 in my computer (the install window disappears always after confirming the installation by clicking the Install button). Does anybody have any idea how to solve such a problem ? Should I try with another computer ? In case that the situation remains the same, since the IDE is running and communication with PMAC is established, would it be possible to bypass the problem and create projects using an alternative way ?
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