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  1. PMAC Panel is not needed to run with the Vi's I developed using pcommserver. Only pcommserver needs to be installed, which installs with the PeWin32Pro2 package.
  2. Commands I was not aware of. I had to get the latest Turbo SRM to find them. That seems like a good option.
  3. Since battery-backed RAM isn't an option for Clippers, along with other controllers, is it OK it issue a CMD "sav" from within a PLC(as a one shot) when you want to save variables? I am currently saving variable with a PC based application using pcommserver, but am looking to eliminate the PC, and just have a connection to an HMI or A-B PLC.
  4. Make sure it is wired correctly. With the drive disabled, push the carriage against an end stop and note the position. Move the carriage, and see if the same position reading occurs at the end stop to determine which channel might be losing counts. The encoder error you are getting, though, is more like you are "gaining" counts. In other words, a count is occurring when it shouldn't be. Is your encoder optical or magnetic?
  5. OK, now I understand. I still think that your step needs to be bigger. If you have vibration issues, then lower the proportional gain, then slowly raise it.
  6. I think you need to solve your commutation and encoder problems before you attempt to tune.
  7. What I am saying is that the results you get from the step move tuning are a good starting point for tuning for another type of move. Your real world application won't be using a step move. Use another type of move that is like the type of move you will be making, and tune to that. When you are all done tuning to that type of move, and you happen to do a step move again, don't be surprised if the step move doesn't look good. That is OK, though.
  8. You will want to make a bigger step move. At least 5 times bigger, probably more, though.
  9. I mostly answer these questions here: http://forums.deltatau.com/showthread.php?tid=847. Yes, once you tune for the move you want, the step move will probably not look good. Tuning is as much art as it is science, so it is hard to say what parameters need to be adjusted. If it were pure science, then the autotuning would work perfectly.
  10. The difference is probably due to the bearing mechanism. I assume you are using recirculating ball linear bearings. When they are new, they will be rather tight. Also, the first move after they have been sitting for a while will break things free. What distance(mm)=1000 counts? I almost always keep integral gain at zero and I134=1 for the step move. The step move, if it is large enough, allows you to get a good starting point for tuning. After you have a good step response, select a tuning profile that most resembles the move your axis will be making in the real application. You can then set I134=0 and start to add integral gain, and adjust the other parameters.
  11. All that information is in the Turbo Software Reference manual. It is under the section for the online command "?".
  12. Can't remember if you have to, but I think you do. Your motor must be phased before you get to this step. Also, we(in the USA) know nothing about the IMAC FLEX, but I believe it is just a packaged Clipper sold only in Asia. You must follow the PWM setup for the analog outputs that is in the manual, or you will have poor performance. This should be done first before you attempt to tune. You will also want to save your configuration before tuning, take note of what tuning I-variables you change while tuning, then don't save your configuration after tuning. Issue a $$$ to restore your configuration, manually change the tuning I-variables, then save to flash. The tuning utility make a bunch of changes, and if you happen to save while the utility is open your configuration will be messed up. At the very least, you will lose your coordinate system configuration. Do you have a local distributor that can help you?
  13. This is not an I-Variable, but just the motor status word(should be Y:$0000C0 for motor#1). The word is broken out into bits using M-Variables, typically Mx30-Mx49. If you want, you can query the word with the online command "?", for the currently addressed motor.
  14. I believe that the command sent for that is "#1J/". Both an "O" and a "J/"(or other J commands, and other commands like "A") will enable the motor and keep them enabled until they are killed by user command or by some error. The "J" commands will also close the position/velocity loop(if it doesn't have a phasing error).
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