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Everything posted by didierdesie

  1. Hi, I make an application using PCOMM32W.DLL to communicate with a GEOBRICK. I'm using wxWidget library, I can load the PCOMM32W.DLL ( at this point PcommServer.exe is starting ). Communication with GEOBRICK seems OK but each time I'm doing a GetResponse ( or GetResponseA, or GetResponseEx or GetResponseAEx ) the memory used by my aplication is increased by 4Ko ! Here the prototyping of the dll function I use: typedef long (_stdcall * GETRESPONSEEXA)(DWORD dwDevice,char* resp,UINT maxchar,const char* quest); And here my function to read the GEOBRICK: int IPmacDevice::GetResponseExA(long dwDevice, wxString* resp, wxString quest) { int ret; char ch_responsebuffer[MAX_RESPONSELEN]; wxDYNLIB_FUNCTION(GETRESPONSEA,PmacGetResponseExA,*dynlib); ret = pfnPmacGetResponseExA(dwDevice, ch_responsebuffer , MAX_RESPONSELEN, quest.mb_str()); *resp = wxString::From8BitData(ch_responsebuffer); return ret; } If someone have a clue to avoid this memory lead, help will be appreciate !!
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