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  1. Hi Steve, I reinstalled the software PMAC Executive Pro2 Suite (version with "repair mode", the problem had been fixed. Thank you for your help and support Wang Dong Sheng Schlumberger Oilfield Equipment (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Workshop B, Block 3-8, No. 8228, Beiqing Road, Qingpu EPZ Shanghai 201707, China Tel: +86 21 59705518*8127 Fax: +86 21 59702709
  2. Hi Steve, Thank you very much, We don't have an integrator and original installation CD, we brought the machine from the States. Could you send us the driver and instruct us to fix this problem? Best regards Wang Dong Sheng
  3. Our CNC controller Advantage 900 is with PMAC2-PCI ULTRA-LITE ASSY NO.603726-104, it does not recognize the PCI card suddenly. The software PEWIN32 PRO2 is the version Anyone can instruct me to solve the problem? We look forward to your help. Best regards Wang Dong Sheng Schlumberger Oilfield Equipment (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Email: dwang14@slb.com
  4. Hi Steve, The problem has been fixed. Some one changed the "NCLangEnglish.txt" of the registry to something else. Best regards Wang Dong Sheng
  5. Yes, it is new issue, the function key had worked properly for 3 years
  6. I am the maintenance engineer, one machine's operator said "he was first one found the problem, he did nothing on it". The function keys and the machine still can work.
  7. no any letters display on the right side of the screen either
  8. Our Advantage 900 has a problem, all function keys lose literal explaination. Any one can help me to solve the problem? I appriciate any help in advance.
  9. Hi Sina, Thank you so much, we use the fiber to connect two ACC-68M and one PMAC2-PCI ULTRA-LINE board. Is it same way to initialize the ACC-68M as your instruction ? Thanks
  10. our PLC ACC-68M is broken, some outputs are damaged, we want to replace with new one. Any one can teach me how to replace ACC-68M and initialize the unit? Thanks lot
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