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  1. I send back the new Geo brick to fix,was burned at the 24 vdc input,since this; we found a short circuit in one sensor,that was the reason of the AF1 fault, into the manual of the unit explains over frequency , this cuould be due affects the DC link of the inverters. The root cause of all this problem was the design of the machine power supply to the Geo brick and miscellaneos. The Geo brick and all the I/O¨s shares the same 24 vdc, if something goes wrong on the i/o´s this hits the Geobrick. I will install some kind of opto22 and an exclusive 24 vdc power supply only for the Geo brick. Thank you guys for the support ,Richard,Stephen. Was a funny week.
  2. I intended to replace an old Geo brick wich was running at the time of the replacement by a new unit. I was unable to make work the new unit,I made the download butsuccesfull but the machine does not respond to the I/O´S . So I put the old unit back and the AF1 comes up ?? How I can clear this fault?? The reset button does not work for this. The manual says something about the frequency but the unit is the same. So now I have a machine down Please recomend or leave a phone number to call
  3. No I don´t think so. What I need to do?
  4. ok, I have the patch from Delta tau downloads, I will try communication with the Geo brick later, i will let you know. Also later i will run the vb6.exe to print the exactly message
  5. Pe win 32 ver the application if for a turbo Pmac 2 is attached My computer is a Dell latitude win 7. Today I tryed to go online with a geo brick, no succesfull comm. A Xilix friend told me I need a driver, where I can get it??
  6. HI, did you recive response abou this ? I have on my laptop the PWin 32 and a Vb6 aplication , but a the time i want to open my Vb6.exe it request this fles: RICHTX32.ocx Themessage talks about somekind or registration??
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