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  1. Thank you for the reply , When powering up my GUI indicates that Im using PMAC-NC 5.1e and when I enter the PEwin the PMAC prom indicates 1.16A , I am assuming this is not PMAC turbo , but how can I check what PMAC is installed on this pc ? Thanks again.
  2. This is a perplexing problem , This is a simple 5-axis rotary tilt milling machine and I just want control of the 5-axis surface speed. I would hate to think that I need to program a feedrate for each line of code ? XYZCB how can I program 1 feedrate (F50) for example and have all of the axis move to maintain part surface feed ? Any advise would be helpful. regards,
  3. New User here , I'm using a 8-axis PMAC machine controller with G/M code gui. I have been using the machine for quite some time indexing into position and static drilling aerospace parts , (5-axis motion) XYZBC rotary tilt (B) being the 4th axis and (C ) being the 5th axis. My problem is that I have developed a post that is using all 5-axis motion to laser cut a profile or contour but the controller is treating the radial axis in degrees p/minute and the linear axis in feedrate mode G94 "cutting mode" I need to maintain constant surface speed. When executing just a linear move x,y,z the machine traverses in the programmed feedrate , but when there is a B or C move associated in the same line its feedrate is a fraction of the programmed speed. Best Regards. Dennis
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