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  1. Now this is the case, what should I do?Can you give me some help?As a matter of fact, A5N and A6N are basically compatible。The basic function should be used, but I have debugged, the communication is normal, the instruction J/ also works, but J+ or J- can't be used.
  2. We have already bought one Turbo PMAC2 Realtime Express and Panasonic MINAS-A6N,but they is not possible to work together,we only wait...
  3. Hi, Is't possible for Turbo PMAC2 Realtime Express and Panasonic MINAS-A6N work together? Thanks.
  4. I want to use two clien connection one pmac be used for Modbus/TCP-IP communication,HOW do one PMAC Modbus/TCP-IP of two Ethernet sockets defined as two server .
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