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  1. dcwei

    PE problem

    Thanks My watch window thread delay period is 100. PEWIN32PRO2 said that is the minimum value. I don't think the problem is the value of thread delay period. I think the motion program after compiling,the containt has changed. Hi, try adding dwell0 after each lines 4,5,6, it will act as a delimiter and compile differently. Mr p mac Thanks i have got the answer.The PE or List PE command only applies for this application that only contains “X 50 ……Y 30……”
  2. dcwei

    PE problem

    Thanks My watch window thread delay period is 100. PEWIN32PRO2 said that is the minimum value. I don't think the problem is the value of thread delay period. I think the motion program after compiling,the containt has changed.
  3. dcwei

    PE problem

    I want to use "PE " command to watch which line of Motion Program is running.But i have a problem, if the program have "dwell" or at the end of the program ("ret"),the "PE" command will go wrong. For example open prog 1 clear Linear ;line 0 ABS ;line 1 TA 500;line 2 TS 250;line 3 x 1000 ;line 4 x -500 ;line 5 x 200 ;line 6 x -1000;line 7 dwell 200 ;line 8 x 1000;line 9 x 0 ;line 10 close if i run the program,and add "PE" in Watch window,then the line number will changed from 5 to 8 suddenly.But motion of the moto is normal. if the Program include P Variable ,“IF……” or “while……” , the line number will become more strange. i found that assignment to a P Variable would takes 2 line. i want to know the reason. Thanks!
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