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  1. I have PMAC NC PRO2 and Turbo Clipper Combo (PMAC2). Am trying to install Renishaw probe on the system. I am noticing that I cannot read in commanded work coordinates positions (#5041, #5042, #5043) or current work coordinate skip positions (#5061, #5062, #5063) until we execute M30 or end the program. I need these positions to be updated in real time as soon as the SKIP is triggered for the probe to work. The SKIP signals for X, Y and Z axes are hard-wired to USER Input on JMACH2 Port. G31 seems to be working - it is just the update part I am struggling with. Below is the code I am using to test and monitoring values on Data Pages for Common Variable on PMAC NC PRO2 HMI. (Probe face 10" pipe G103P1 G20 G90G00G54X0Y0Z0 M51 G4P2.0 #500=#5041 #501=#5042 #502=#5043 G90G31X1.0Y1.0Z1.0F10.0 G4P2.0 #504=#5041 #505=#5042 #506=#5043 #507=#5061 #508=#5062 #509=#5063 M30 ...... any ideas?
  2. Does Turbo Clipper support G31 Move Until Trigger function? Is there any sample code I can refer to?
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