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  1. When PPMAC clipper is running, suddenly it stopped working. Upon checking at IDE, we got information in Error monitoring: "FileConfigErr" and also "PwrOnFault". And when we tried to Build and download project, Build and download happens. However when we give SAVE command in terminal, we get " Save did not complete. Check Sys WDTF & Log\pp_error_hist.log" file on the terminal. And in Show output from build window, we get "Could not upload the pp_custom_ save.cfg file from the Power Pmac.". After this we tried to reset($$$) or factory reset ($$$***) the clipper is not responding, and we get "Power PMAC Suit is Busy" LED indication: LEDs looks to be healthy. D10: Green, D12: No display, D15: Red after booting is over We don't know how to progress. Pl. help
  2. Now I have removed the dot in the path but still I get the error while build and download. However download all does not show any error. Please wait while uploading Libraries from Power Pmac. Libraries Uploaded successfully Please wait while Executing Project Script. Please wait while mapping Power PMAC variables. End of syncing the database. PMAC variables are mapped successfully. Build Process For capp1.out has started. C:\Users\naika\Desktop\2105withPLC\PMACproject\PowerPmac_ALLPOSI.ppproj(230,5): Error : make: *** No rule to make target `capp1.o', needed by `"../../../Bin/Debug/capp1.out"'. Stop. Build Process For capp1.out has ended. Done building project "PowerPmac_ALLPOSI.ppproj" -- FAILED. Build FAILED. Project Building and Mapping total time = 5.725 sec
  3. While build and down load we are getting below error. However when we only download it is downloading without error Please wait while uploading Libraries from Power Pmac. Libraries Uploaded successfully Please wait while Executing Project Script. Please wait while mapping Power PMAC variables. End of syncing the database. PMAC variables are mapped successfully. Build Process For capp1.out has started. C:\Users\naika\Desktop\2105withPLC\\PowerPmac_ALLPOSI.ppproj(230,5): Error : make: *** No rule to make target `capp1.o', needed by `"../../../Bin/Debug/capp1.out"'. Stop. Build Process For capp1.out has ended. Done building project "PowerPmac_ALLPOSI.ppproj" -- FAILED. Build FAILED. Project Building and Mapping total time = 6.817 sec
  4. When we configure touch probe function PDO in ethercat configuration, we are not getting any data in input/output window. When we check in drive ethercat diagnostic we get error as below The same thing happens with other probe PDO(Probe status and probe positive trigger position). I do not understand why this error is coming.
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