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Wolfi Ultra

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  1. Thank you Steve Please held in mind biggest issue here is the missed dates in safed files from "Setup Variables" Regards Wolfi
  2. I had access to all channels in terminal and also in watch window. In System Setup I can also find ACC-59. But here all channels are viewed together, so not necessary to select any channel. If I try to select in plot window under "Detailed" tab it's also not possible to select other channel except channel 0. So in this case same issue as in "System Setup" Regards Wolfi
  3. If I try to save configuration with Setup Variables Tool in IDE all data except ACC-59 will be stored Setup elements are visable if I call the tool. But there is only one channel selectable. Channels 1 to 3 are also missed. On ACC-24 all channels are there. IDE; Firmware but same issue in older versions found. Is there a possibility to store also setup data of the ACC-59 and see channels 1-3?
  4. Is there a possibility to update Power PMAC Servo Analyzer Software from Version 1.0.0 to actual version?
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