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  1. Thank you all for your advice. I will try to contact them for repair.
  2. Where can I go for equipment diagnostics? I live in Russia.
  3. The fact is that I measured the voltage at the contacts and there is voltage. 24v and 220v Can someone show how you apply voltage to it? for some reason, the REG lamp is on
  4. Hello. Please tell me how you can fix the error .C With I have two identical Geo PMAC Drive GIL102M0 and both have the same error problem as in the photo. At the same time, the + 3V lamp does not light up and the REG lamp lights up There may be a nutrition problem. I fed the system with one phase 220v and three phases 380v each 136v But this did not work. Could this mean that my GIL102M0 are not working and need repair? :(
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