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  1. the Pmac is POWER PMAC CLIPsee P233I-E-01 [4-4050JA0-310-000000] and the text file (.txt) that i tried put was: start=1; stop=0;
  2. thanks for your answer. I try but when i put the file into the ftp folder the system throw the attached problems. how can i enable and wich is the best folder to put the file? thanks again
  3. Hi, i have a aplication on windows 7 that generate a output file in .txt format. I need that the pmac have acces to this file to read and load global variables with the information. I try put file using the ftp ( but i dont have succes. i create a C aplication into pmac using libraries #include #include #include but i have dude with the path to acces a file. if you can give me a example how to put the path and where is the best place to put the file. thanks. int main(void) { FILE * fp; char * line = NULL; int len = 0; int read; struct Data data; { }; fp = fopen("test.txt", "r"); if (fp != NULL){ while ((read = getline(&line, &len, fp)) != -1) { data = getValue(line, read); } fclose(fp); if (line) free(line); } printStructure(&data); return 0; }
  4. Thanks, is it posible buy a ethercat 4 servo axes licences for a power clipper? when i set Motor[x].pDac = ECAT.IO[j].Data.a my ethercat system fail because i dont have the ethercat license for axes.
  5. Hi, i need to know if is posible controller a servomotor with external components over ethercat. I have the following diagram of controll. Pmac Clippsee with ACC-24S3 expansion board | Ethercat | Ethercat coupler NX-ECC203 (Omron) | Analog output module+-10Vdc (NX-DA2605)|| encoder input module (NX-EC0132) so i want controller the servo with internal PID (advanced) like a motor #9. i think that is posible create a "ghost" motor and put the encoder feedback and the analog output. any experience or help is welcome. thanks.
  6. thanks Steve, i don´t have the option unfortunately.
  7. Hi, i modify a PC Joystick to move my omnidirecctional machine, but i don´t can read the value of analog control. I load the configuration that appears in the Power Clipper Manual, but the variable ADC_In have a static value of -1. Sys.WpKey = $AAAAAAAA; // Disable Write-Protection Clipper[0].Chan[0].PackInData = 0; // Unpack Input Data all ADCs J3, J7 PTR ADCIN_1->S.IO:$900030.20.12; // ADCIN_1 J3 [bits] PTR ADCIN_2->S.IO:$900034.20.12; // ADCIN_2 J3 [bits] PTR ADCIN_3->S.IO:$900038.20.12; // ADCIN_3 J7 [bits] PTR ADCIN_4->S.IO:$90003C.20.12; // ADCIN_4 J7 [bits] pag. 34 of Power Clipper User Manual. the feedback of servo is by the enconders channel inputs and work fine. i try the other configuration that appears but without a good response. ADC1VoltsIn = ((Clipper[0].Chan[0].AdcEnc[0] >> 20) * 10 / 2048) - ADC1ZeroOffset ; ADC2VoltsIn = ((Clipper[0].Chan[0].AdcEnc[1] >> 20) * 10 / 2048) – ADC2ZeroOffset ; ADC3VoltsIn = ((Clipper[0].Chan[0].AdcEnc[2] >> 20) * 10 / 2048) – ADC3ZeroOffset ; ADC4VoltsIn = ((Clipper[0].Chan[0].AdcEnc[3] >> 20) * 10 / 2048) – ADC4ZeroOffset ; i need modify some other variable to enable the ADC_In? Thanks
  8. Hi, Since you are not using the amplifier fault bits, try disabling them: Motor[1].pAmpFault = 0 Motor[2].pAmpFault = 0 Motor[3].pAmpFault = 0 Motor[4].pAmpFault = 0 -Chris Thanks Chris, now i can enable all motor togethers.
  9. Hi, i have a CS with four motor configurated with the same characteristics. this motors are conected to the JMACH 1 of my Power Pmac Clipper Controller. I have the fault motors input floating and only connected the DACs output and Encoders Input to the controller. If i move each motor in the jog mode, all motor works find, but when i try enable all motor using #xj/ command to enable the CS the motor #1 send to fault other motors. for example #2j/ -> motor[2].fault=0 #3j/ -> motor[3].fault=0 #4j/ -> motor[4].fault=0 #1j/ -> motor[1].fault=0, motor[2].fault=1, motor[3].fault=1, motor[4].fault=1 So i never can enable the CS.
  10. someone is it working with NX Modules (Omron)? the Ethercat configuration into the "System Setup" only load the Ethercat Coupler file (NX-ECC20x) but when i try to load the modules files nothing happend. I tried load the ESI file into the "ESI MANAGER" of "EC-Engenier" and when i load the NX-Modules.XML file the system says that the file is invalid. My Ethercat Configuration is: NX-ECC203 (Version 1.5) / DA2605 / EC0132 / EC0132 / ID5442 / OD5121
  11. Hi, i have the same problem, and when ask for the information , the PMAC response: Gate3[0].PartType 0 Gate3[0].PartOpt0 nan Gate3[0].PartRev nan Gate3[0].PartType nan and if answer with Clipper[0] Clipper[0].PartType nan Clipper[0].PartOpt0 nan Clipper[0].PartRev nan Clipper[0].PartType nan ------------ for the motor setup, i create a .cfg file in the configuration folder and put the setup code, but when i ask for some configuration variable the value are different that i setup in the file.
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