I have an windows xp machine with the whole delta tau software suite. The delta tau is being controlled by a labview interface that relies heavily on VI supplied by pmac panel pro2. We are trying to move the software to win7.
But when calling the panel pro2 Vi's in win7, the dll it calls seems to be missing some dependency which breaks everything. I am installing on win7 the same version of panel pro2 that ran on the XP machine. Is pmac panel pro2 able to run on Win7? Where can I get the latest release?
I came across Brian's thread and his vi examples based on pcommserver seems to work on my pc. Therefore modifying the labview software to use pcommserver instead of pmac panel pro2 vi is an option. Brian's VI uses the Invoke VI to call an ActiveX class "PCOMMSERVERLib.IPmacDevice", is there a Document describing what each method do?