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I would like to read data from Omron TMFlow for cobot TM5-900 using python. If someone tried to obtain data like x,y,z positions, could you please share the code? This is my code, where I have connected, but the Y position shows 0.0 . How can I get the data by connecting modbus tcp.

from pymodbus.client import ModbusTcpClient
import struct
# Define the IP and port of the Omron TM robot
ROBOT_IP = ''  # Replace with your robot's IP address
PORT = 502  # Standard Modbus TCP port
# Initialize the Modbus client
client = ModbusTcpClient(ROBOT_IP, port=PORT)
# Connect to the Modbus server
# Example: Reading the Y position from two holding registers
# Replace `100` with the actual starting address for the Y position
start_register_address = 7003  # Starting address of the holding register for Y position
response = client.read_holding_registers(start_register_address, 10)
# Check if the response is valid and process the Y position value
if not response.isError():
    # Combine the two registers into a 32-bit float (little-endian format)
    registers = response.registers
    y_position = struct.unpack('<f', struct.pack('<HH', registers[0], registers[1]))[0]
    print(f"Y Position: {y_position}")
    print(f"Error reading Y position: {response}")
# Disconnect when done
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