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Program download stuck on IDE, v4.6.3.9


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I'm in the process of trying to install the latest IDE on a Windows 11 laptop.

IDE installed ok but I'm having trouble with downloading and losing connections.  Also, if I try to load the project after connecting to PMAC, the IDE hangs.  Project loads ok if PMAC is not connected; connecting after project load seems to go ok.

I installed it with Admin privileges and I also start the IDE with Admin privileges.

Pertinent info:

IDE Ver:


When I select build and download all programs, the Output window shows the text:

Please wait while downloading to Power Pmac
sending incremental file list

Then gets stuck there, and the download box with the progress bar also pops up and stays indefinitely.

Log file is attached, I noticed that there are a couple of error entries:

Error: loading File: "/opt/ppmac/libppmac/IoDrvppmacGlobalIO.devdesc.xml"
Error: loading File: "/opt/ppmac/libppmac/IoDrvppmacEcatIO.devdesc.xml"

The same project on my older laptop (Win 10) builds and downloads fine. Running IDE V on older laptop.

Is the install on the new Win11 laptop missing some files?



Kevin Monroe


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Good Day KM023,

I've been running Win11 2+ years with Power PMAC IDE versions with succes. However I have also seen struggles like yours. Dropping off, B&D issues...  Recently IDE v4529 worked well for last 6+months... less dropping off. However it is missing some new features and I moved to 4.636 which seems to drop more often, also strange for example if I disconnect the PMAC, power off, pull cable for 5+ minutes it will never reconnect until I KILL the IDE then restart and all is fine. If power cycle PMAC briefly, <2min, seems to reconnect all fine. And on occasion it will simply drop (RED BAR AT TOP) then come back 10 sec later... or never come back. Again, Kill and restart all OK.

This however only happens 1 or 2 times in a full 8hour work day at most if at all.... so not a huge issue for me.

I do not think the PMAC firmware matters here, it has NEVER mattered for me and I work with all versions of firmware from older to newest with customers and my testing... anything newer than 2.5 is fine. But of course no reason not to move to newer if you like, yet I doubt it will matter for your IDE.

Your issues look to me like something not loaded in IDE as should... 

Here is my way to load new IDE:

1. Go to \Delta Tau\PowerPMAC\4\IDE    create a copy this entire dir, rename it to version it is

     - so now you might have a dir  \Delta Tau\PowerPMAC\4\v4529    and in here is that IDE version dir

    -now you can later come back and run this by simply going to this dir and running "PowerPMACIDE.exe"

    -this lets you have several versions on IDE on pc at same time

2. Using Win11 Apps - UNINSTALL the "PowerPMACIDE"  ... do not need uninstall Compilers... just the IDE

  -when done restart PC

3. Install new IDE - be sure have ADMIN rights when doing this

4. Restart PC

5. Start IDE - connect to PMAC - create BASIC, No ECAT Project and see if B&D is OK ?

--- remember you can go back and run the last version just by going to that new dir and running the EXE manually


NOW if you don't want to do that:

-can you create a new BLANK BAsic project and do B&D without errors ?


Also note that is you move project to new version of IDE and it does the "upgrade" and you want to go back and run same on older IDE version... it will complain... to fix it go to the Project  file   projectName.pproj  open to edit ... search down about 20 lines for    <TemplateVersion>3.2</TemplateVersion>     the number in middle needs to be  different for each version of IDE... so look at older project for version were using, change this value and now it will run fine on older IDE version...  for example above is for 4.6.x   but if change to 3.0 it runs on 4.5.x IDE ok....


Let me know if get fixed... feel free to email me directly at mike.esposito@vje3.com ... i've been working for Delta Tau / OMRON now for many years... 




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Hello MoMo

I finally got access to the Omron Support FW/Software download page.

I noticed that the latest FW posted there is V

Would it be possible to get posted to Omron's support web page? 

I talked with our local rep hoping they could get it to me, but they pointed me to Omron's website.



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Posted (edited)

Hi Mike,

I'll take your advice and try installing multiple versions of the IDE to see if I have better luck with an earlier version.

The 4.6 V IDE I'm running seems to have issues with Win11.  I haven't been able to B&D once.

Getting connected seems to work ok, it does like to drop the connection after a minute or so, but once I re-establish connection it stays; watch windows, position, and terminal all work fine after recovering from that initial drop.

I have an ARM UMAC processor that's running and I have the same B&D problems, so I agree that a FW upgrade probably won't fix this.





Edited by kmonroe023
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OK Kevin,

Email me direct ... easier than the forum.

I would simply reload firmware on PMAC since very quick... but likely not it. Send me direct email and I can get

but those errors to look like a pmac firmware problem... ? but easy to test and see

you couple different firmware versions.  mike.esposito@vje3.com

Did you do full uninstall before Installing new IDE ?  If not do that next.

I can also get you older version of IDE 4.5 which was very solid for long time... but as said I"ve been running on Win11 for years now... yes I have had some issues... but able to always get it working.

You said can't do a B&D.... is this true with a NEW - Nothing in it - Project from scratch ?


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Do this to make sure no firewall is stopping access to files needed in compile.

**** Build Errors
When trying to build and download, it does NOT work. It thinks the download is already done but it is NOT.
Problem is with Windows Firewall and your setup.
Has to do with Public networks and allow some features of the app (ide) to work.
I don't know what problem is but here is the fix.

Go to Command Prompt and use this command to reset your firewall settings:
"netsh advfirewall reset"

Now run the IDE and you will get some messages from Windows about firewall.
Be sure to select Public networks and allow.

let me know if fixes it


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Hi Mike,

Looked at both of your suggestions.

  • Tried resetting the firewall settings and opened firewall and added PowerPmacIDE to allow comm's through firewall.
  • Also check enviroment variables; DTBUILDPATH exists, as far as I can tell I have permission to these paths.  I can navigate to and open the sub-directory etc.

Still no luck with B&D, even with latest firmware.

Haven't tried earlier IDE versions yet.


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8 hours ago, kmonroe023 said:

Hi Mike,

Looked at both of your suggestions.

  • Tried resetting the firewall settings and opened firewall and added PowerPmacIDE to allow comm's through firewall.
  • Also check enviroment variables; DTBUILDPATH exists, as far as I can tell I have permission to these paths.  I can navigate to and open the sub-directory etc.

Still no luck with B&D, even with latest firmware.

Haven't tried earlier IDE versions yet.


Try disabling the antivirus.

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Still a Issue ?

Another engineer found this to help/fix issue...  while waiting assuming it hangs in download go to tasks and kill the "rsync" task... seems to finish fine and all ok. Not OK... but seems to help some. 

Factory is now looking into this rash of win11 users having issues... as said I have had it on win11 for 2+ years and working ok... so must be something unique to how some systems are setup and there are many variations in the OS that would make it work on one but not another... 

Let me know where you at.... I can get elevated to a factory direct guy to log on and look/help resolve if can't get over it.

--- did you try uninstall - reinstall ?

--- I think already mentioned works ok on the win10 system you have ?





1) Make a blank project
2) Make a simple PLC (OPEN PLC 1, P1 = P1+1, CLOSE)
3) Build & Download
4) Wait a bit, until the process has been "stuck" with no changes for 10-15 seconds.
5) In Windows Task Manager, scroll down to the process "rsync" and end it.
6) Wait for the IDE to finish whatever it's doing--this may be immediate (maybe it crashes?), or this may take a little bit (maybe it just continues the build and download?)
7) See if your PLC is in PMAC memory ("list prog 1")

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Hi Mike,

Dro and Alex remoted in last week and we tried the above.

Killing rsync unsticks the download, but the download does not appear to finish. Plc 1 was not changed, for example.

Also, had IT turn off Anti-virus and tried to build and download, with the same results.  So it does not appear Anti-virus is negatively affecting the download process.

Dro and Alex also gave me a debug IDE that logs extra rsync data.  After several download attempts, I returned the logs to Dro.

I installed IDE V4.5.2.9 and had the same download problem. V3 IDE gets stuck as well.  Must be something with our Win11 install.

I ran a couple of Wireshark logs as well; they showed a bunch of secure packets flying back and forth right up until I disconnected via the IDE.  I'm not an expert at looking at those things, but it appears that ethernet comms continue even if the download fails.



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One thing that might be worth looking into.

I just saw this Microsoft notice about a bug affecting W10/W11 ..


"After installing the September 2024 preview update (KB5043131), released September 24, 2024 or later, you might observe that apps such as Quick Assist, Microsoft Teams, Windows Narrator, etc might fail to start if you are a non-admin user," Microsoft explained in a new Windows health dashboard entry.

"You might experience this issue on any app that sets UIAccess=true while trying to run the app as a non-admin user. The uiAccess=true attribute in an application's manifest file is used to request that the application be granted higher privileges."

I wonder if even though the PowerPMAC IDE is set for "Run as Admin", it is failing because of a bug like this..

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After reading that last link, the IDE is not installed in a “secure” location. You might try re-installing the IDE into one of the reference locations in that link:
This policy setting enforces the requirement that apps that request running with a UIAccess integrity level by marking UIAccess=true in their app manifest must reside in a secure location on the file system. Relatively secure locations are limited to the following directories:
•    \Program Files\ including subdirectories
•    \Windows\system32\
•    \Program Files (x86)\ including subdirectories for 64-bit versions of Windows

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