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Homing to a Hard-Stop


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I'm trying to home a motor into a hard-stop. This will involve very slowly moving the motor until it reaches the hard-stop and then backing it off some small amount. I'm wondering if there is a recommended way to look for this in the PMAC? Would I somehow look for a spike in the current? Something else? A point in the right direction would be appreciated.
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If you set Ixx97 to 3, you select "error trigger" for triggered moves such as homing instead of the default "input trigger". In this case, the trigger condition will occur when the magnitude of the following error exceeds the Ixx12 warning following error limit. Set Ixx26 to define your post-trigger offset out of the hard stop.


It is advisable to set either the Ixx33 integral gain term or the Ixx63 integration limit to 0 while looking for the trigger so the integrator does not "wind up" when it hits the hard stop.


Once you have this setup, just command a homing search move in the same way as you would with an input trigger.

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