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Posts posted by Mills

  1. On 8/1/2022 at 7:13 AM, Vivek Sharma said:

    Hi Vivek! 

    I wasn't around during the FZ days, but it should be very close to the same process.

    What I would recommend:

    1. Plug USB keyboard and mouse into the USB ports.

    2. Plug memory stick(thumb drive) into another USB port or SD card into the available slot.

    3. When powered up and connected to the camera, select the Function menu-->Save to file.

    4. Select System + Scene group 0 Data

    5. Point the File Name: to the drive allocated for the thumb drive.  Potentially E: or M:

    6. Hit Ok to save.

    7. Remove thumb drive and place in PC.

    8. Ensure you have appropriate FZ launcher & software simulator loaded.  

    9. When launching a simulator, and connected, select the Function menu-->Load from file and select from thumb drive directory,

    This should load the parameters from the FH unit into the simulator.

    That's really half the battle.  You'll need images to see what's happening relative to the program. Bonus info if you need it.

    Save record images:

    1. Insert memory device into processor.

    2. Connect to processor and navigate to the Tool menu-->System Settings. 

    3. Select Logging Settings.

    4. Select the "All" radio selection button.

    5. Select the Save to memory + file radio button and navigate that directory to your memory drive.

    6. Change logging priority to "Measurement"

    7. Click Apply.

    This will then record all following images to that directory until it is full.

    Last part is getting images into the simulator:

    Best way to do it that I've found:

    When you install the software, it will create a folder called RAMDisk.

    Mine is: C:\Users\mills00\Documents\OMRON FZ\RAMDisk

    Put the images in there and you'll be able to select them from FZ panda in the "Image file meas." tab.

    Click the Measure button to advance images.

    Hope this gets you there.  


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