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Oh Min Goo

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  1. Yes. My Machine is set up about coordinate system definition below #1->10000X #3->10000Y &1 coorinate system too.
  2. Hello. I am controlling the motor with Pmac suite. The motor operates normally through the jog ribbon. But it doesn't work when you enter the Motion program. The equipment has been homed and the motor can be operated with the Jog ribbon after entering the operation command [&1b8r]. Below the Motion program. OPEN PROG 8 Clear LINEAR ABS FRAX(X,Y) TA60 TS20 F(20) X650.000 Y400.000 Delay(1000) X750.000 Y400.000 X750.000 Y500.000 X650.000 Y500.000 X650.000 Y400.000 X650.000 Y000.000 Dwell(1000) CLOSE
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