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Posts posted by hbausley

  1. does anone know how to obtain the linux headers for the version of Jessie running on the PowerPMAC (linux-headers-

    "apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)" returns:

    "Reading package lists... Done

    Building dependency tree

    Reading state information... Done

    E: Couldn't find package linux-headers-"


    The linux headers are supplied with the IDE. They are located C:\DeltaTau\PoewrPMAC\Compilers\opt\powerpc-405-rootfs\usr\src\linux- these are the headers the IDE compiles with to build kernel modules for usralgos.

  2. 1.) Make your disk writable


    mount -o remount,rw /


    2.) Next you must update the repository list file. Debian lenny is used on a 460 CPU so you must change the repositories to archive.debian.org.


    deb http://archive.debian.org/debian/ lenny main non-free contrib

    deb-src http://archive.debian.org/debian/ lenny main non-free contrib

    deb http://archive.debian.org/debian-security/ lenny/updates main non-free contrib

    deb-src http://archive.debian.org/debian-security/ lenny/updates main non-free contrib


    The sources.list file placed in /etc/apt should look like what is above


    3.) next issue the apt-get update command to reload the repositories. You can disregard the KEYEXPIRED warning message that comes back



    4.) next issue the apt-get install lighttpd command to install lighttpd


    lighttpd is now installed.


    5.) Make sure the modifications from the apt-get install command make it to the readonly etc folder. Do this by issuing the following command


    cp -a /.readonly/etc-tmpfs-mirror/* /.readonly/etc/


    6.) Put the disk back to readonly mode

    mount -o remount,ro /

  3. We send the units with software licence files in the C:\DeltaTau\MotionCore\opt\etherlab\etc\sysconfig folder.


    Disregard the dongle as It has been determined by Product Marketing we will use software licensing only for now on.

  4. The Com ports UART based. The LX86 (Linux GUI version uses Xenomai )

    so they are available.

    The WX86 (Windows GUI occupies CPU 1,2). Linux PREEMPT RT resides on CPU 3,4. The COM Ports can be moved to the CPU's running the hidden linux RTOS running in CPU 2,3 by editing a text file.


    For the LX86 modbus can be placed on any of the Ethernet ports.

    For the WX86 modbus can be placed upon the the extra dedicated Ethernet port. Two Ethernet ports are allocated to Windows and two are allocated to Linux. One of the two for Linux is always pre-configured for EtherCAT. The other is not configured, it can be setup for EtherCAT or standard ethernet.


    For the LX86 the host operating system is not mounted readonly. This is a good idea so we will patch the union file system driver to the xenomai enabled kernel we compiled so with a script this that feature can be enabled in the near future. I suspect there will be many who want to use an LX86 headless instead of an EtherCAT ultralite. So your thought is a good one.


    For the WX86 the linux portion is readonly. In fact it runs its filesystem in RAM. The only connection to disk is through an NFS share to the Windows host. The usrflash is saved via NFS to the Windows disk. Windows should be shutdown using our tray icon application so it turns off all 4 cpu's.


    We have not tested with the Windows Enhanced Write Filter (EWF) this but I see no reason why it would be a problem.


    Communication for the WX86 it is done through a virtual Ethernet Connection. This allows applications already developed for our embedded PowerPMAC boards to function without modification. Currently you cannot get to the WX86's shared memory via Windows directly.


    Any normal backup utility should work with these systems.


    As far as pricing you have to contact customer service for


  5. Do you have ecat[0].enable=1 saved?


    What is likely happening is on power up the ethercat configuration is not valid since the robot device isn't present for a minute or two. If a project is not valid a factory default state is set.


    Check via the powerpmac's ftp site for pp_error_hist.log this will verify how the loading failure occurred.


    You can so set Ecat[0].enable=0 so there is not a power up fault.


    Once your ethercat robot controllers are up you can set Ecat[0].enable=1 in your code. Perhaps you can use an ecatsdo to see if the robot controller is up.

  6. I performed some additional tests (offline configuration) and think i found where the bug is.

    It is when the "Product code" of the device is equal to 0.


    The device Servotronix-CDHD has a ProductCode=0 (Xml file attached in the previous message).


    My test:

    After $$$***, with SystemSetup i configure :

    - Servo Clock to 4KHz

    - Slave-0: Device ABB-e150

    - Slave-1: Device Servotronix-CDHD

    All the configuration is ok with SystemSetup (if i do it online, the drives work ok)

    In memory, i have ECAT[0].SlaveCount=2 and for Slave-1 : ECAT[0].Slave[1].ProductCode=$0


    If i do now the command in terminal "backup ecat[0]..",

    I got no lines with "ECAT[0].Slave[1]..." and in the lines "ECAT[0].Slave[0]..." there is the configuration done for Servotronix-CDHD (!!) instead of ABB-e150.

    The configuration of my other drive, ABB-e150, is no more present ??


    if now, i do simply in terminal :

    ECAT[0].Slave[1].ProductCode=$1 (instead of =0) and then "backup ecat[0].."

    The configuration is uploaded full ok

    i get lines "ECAT[0].Slave[0]..." with my configuration done for my ABB-e150 and

    lines "ECAT[0].Slave[1]..." with my configuration done for my Servotronix-CDHD


    Off course, i can't work with this this configuration manually modified, because when save and $$$,

    EtherCAT detects a misfit between ECAT[0].Slave[1].ProductCode=$1 and the ProductCode read by the SDO in the Drive the object 1018h sub 2 which is equal to 0.


    For summary,

    There is a bug in the command "backup ecat[0].." when a device in the structure "ECAT[0]. ..." has a .ProductCode equal to 0

    Do you agree with me ?

  7. You have to be careful with OMRON drives. I have had feedback that they get occasional B2 warnings with our controller? I'm not sure of the root cause of this since I obviously don't have their code to know what triggers the error.


    In addition, in cyclic torque mode you must make sure that the drive has a scale factor for the torque command in their drive. By DS402 specification the torque command is written in thousandths of rated motor torque which would lead to horrible resolution.


    Copley has a nice way of overcoming this with a scale factor in its drive. Check out their doc below






    I was reading some older posts on EtherCat drive testing and Sina had mentioned that one of the OMRON R88D-KN[]-ECT drives (G5 series motors) had been tested at Delta Tau.


    It has been a long time wish of mine to have the compact japanese AC servo motor vendors plug directly into a PMAC (without an add-on module for cost and space reasons).


    It looks like on the datasheet that these drives support the following modes:


    • Cyclic synchronous position mode

    • Cyclic synchronous velocity mode

    • Cyclic synchronous torque mode


    They also state that the distributed clock goes down to 250us. Does this imply that this drive can run a torque loop at 4KHz over Ethercat? That would be great for all of our compact servo motor applications.


    We are also looking at EtherCat with regard to using the Beckhoff IO system, so this might be a good option for us.


    Thank you,


  8. You can point the servo algo back to the built in servo


    Motor.Ctrl = Sys.ServoCtrl or deactivate the Motor[].ServoCtrl=0


    If we were to call your user written servo when it was out of memory because it was being replaced with a newer version there would be a kernel mode crash resulting in a watchdog.


    Thanks, Sina, but that only really tells me half of what I want to know. It tells me how to control the ppmac before a download, but it doesn't provide me with the specific instructions of how a user servo can be safely disabled. It seems that if I do nothing then the ppmac goes into hardware watchdog, so this is a particularly severe state for the rest of my system. I'm looking for the recommended method from DeltaTau to avoid this condition. I would recommend that such instructions are added to the discussion on user servos in your documentation.

  9. We have done this on demos using mono and it will work. You must be careful to insure that you do not directly call Windows API functions directly as this would break mono compatibility, you must go through the C# classes.


    However, from a practical standpoint a 1Ghz single core PC with a GUI is not very responsive.

    But also take into consideration that much of the duty cycle of the PowerPMAC is constantly being used for motion control, now that PC runs more like a 500MHz PC. Furthermore, take into consideration the video adapter is fundamentally a USB 2.0 Video adapter as there were no good PCI express video chipsets at the time that would work with a PowerPC at design time.


    In summary you will not get stellar performance.


    In addition, consider the additional cost of the PowerPMAC Video Adapter and memory and it may cost you more than a separate PC.


    We are looking into the possibility of using faster processors and video adapters in the future and at that time it may be more practical.

  10. Yes.


    Since you don't have hardware interrupts with an axis card you must use the cpu's built in timer interrupt. In this case the cpu, power supply and ethernet card are all that is required.


    Therefore, Sys.ServoPeriod to the desired period usually 1000msec or 500msec and Sys.CPUTimerIntr=1 then save and power cycle.


    You must order the EtherCAT option when ordering the CPU so that you get the EtherCAT compatible network card. I assume you have done this.


    Also there is the Power PMAC Etherlite product







    I'm using Power PMAC EtherCAT Master.

    Is it possible to use EtherCAT Master without Axis Module?


    I tried to use only power module & cpu module, but EtherCAT Master doesn't work...


    Furthermore, I'm considering using only cpu module with external power supply. (even without rack)


    How can I implement these system?


    Thank you.


  11. I'm having a problem getting the EtherCat to work after doing a restore by putting a USB stick in the PowerPMAC via the PowerPMACConfigLoad directory. The backup file was taken off of a working PowerPMAC etherlite unit and we were trying to install it in second back up etherlite unit. The first unit works fine, we are just trying to create a backup unit for our customer. Everything on the second unit seems to work except that the EtherCat no longer communicates. Is there an extra step in doing a configuration restore for the EtherCat?


    We were trying to catch a plane so I didn't have much time to trouble shoot this on site. Any help would be appreciated.


    I suspect the file




    Is being overwritten by the backup. This file contains the MAC address of the ethernet card used for ethercat.


    Issue the command


    system ethercat master


    The results will look as follows. If the line that contain Main: says has (waiting...)

    the file was overwritten and that is the problem. If it has (attached) then it is o.k. and the problem is elsewhere.




    system ethercat master


    Phase: Idle

    Active: no

    Slaves: 6

    Ethernet devices:

    Main: 00:50:c2:12:c1:97 (attached)

    Link: UP

  12. You cannot use pmac variables with the system command. The system command forwards a string to be operated on by the operating system.




    I'm using 'system ethercat' command since this thread has been written.


    I want to write PPMAC variables but PPMAC variables can't be input system command, like this...


    system ethercat -m0 -p0 -t int16 download 0x607D 0 p1


    Of course, ecatsdo command works fine.

    But I couldn't fix sdo problem yet... so I must use system ethercat command.




    How can I PPMAC variables with system commands??

    Please let me know



  13. When it happens again take a look at the log files in

    and the maybe that will give us a clue as to what is going on.


    We have seen a sporadic problem were the PPmac will not boot up correctly after a controller reset ($$$). It appears that the configuration does not load since the Pmac will report no project loaded and will show no defined motors. System settings are also set to their default values.


    This has happened several times on production machines with mature Pmac control programs and settings, so I don't think it is related to a bad configuration.


    Generally, resetting again will allow the controller to configure properly.


    Has anyone else had this happen, or do I possibly have a questionable controller?


    We're running the latest firmware:

  14. If errors arise when building a project in the IDE related to vfork or fork

    the problem is usually caused by an offending application. See the links below






    When this problem arises errors similar to what is below typically show up.


    powerpc-405-linux-gnu-g++: vfork: Resource temporarily unavailable


    [main] powerpc-405-linux-gnu-g++ 7616 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before initialization, retry 0, exit

  15. I believe this is an omission of error checking in the sample slave code. In the slave code firmware you can check to make sure that you are receiving the correct number of bytes and if you do not return an error. This is how almost all the slaves we have tested seem to work.


    -m0 is for the master number. If you have a ethercat master card with two ports you need to specify -m0 or -m1 to indicate which master to use. If you have an ethercat master card with a single port you may omit the -m0


    To write to the second slave use the -p parameter. -p0 is the first slave, -p1 the second slave, -p2 the third etc.


    issue the command system ethercat -- help and you will see all of the possible parameters


    The new command being considered could appear in the next release of the firmware release which we do not yet have scheduled but I can only guess will be in Q4 of this year. In the mean time you can use the system command to work around the issue or modify the slave firmware.



    The native command works.

    Is this slaves's problem??

    What is "-m0"? If I want to write SDO to 2nd slave, do I have to change "-m1"?


    And when "ecatsdotype" command is updated?





    How are you setting 0x607D?


    Are you using an ecatsdo command?




    If so try the native command


    system ethercat -m0 -p0 -t int16 download 0x607D 0 0x4444


    then read back


    system ethercat -m0 -p0 -t int16 upload 0x607D 0


    If you find the native linux command works I suspect it is because if the incorrect length is requested an error is not being returned by your device. Our ecatsdo attempts the ethercat command above and if no error is returned it returns. It first attempts an 8 bit write, then a 16 bit, then 32 bit write. I think ecatsdo may be doing an 8 bit write and gets no error and returns. I have found most devices obey this.


    We will consider adding a new command ecatsdotype(0,0,$607D,0,$4444,0,bitlength) that forces you to specify the bit length for future firmware updates.


    Hi, I'm using TI ICE Board to implement EtherCAT Slave Controller.


    To use PPMAC as EtherCAT Master, I set configure file manually.


    But there's a problem. SDO data was not downloaded correctly.

    For example, when I wrote "0x4444" to 0x607D:1(32bit object), slave receive only lower 8bit (0x44).


    This problem isn't occurred when I use TwinCAT as EtherCAT Master.

    As I know, TI ICE Board has been conformed by EtherCAT Technology Group. And I use TI sample EtherCAT CiA402 implemented source.


    I attached wireshark packet capture file and PPMAC slave configure source.

    Please help.





    ECAT[0].RTnotLRW = 1

    ECAT[0].ServoExtension = 1


    ECAT[0].DistrClocks = 1

    ECAT[0].DistrClocksCount = 0

    ECAT[0].DCRefSlave = 0

    ECAT[0].DcRefPlus = 2

    ECAT[0].DcRefMinus = 2

    ECAT[0].DcRefBand = 50000


    ECAT[0].Slave[0].VendorID = $59d

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].ProductCode = $54490001

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].Alias = 0


    ECAT[0].Slave[0].Position = 0

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].Enable = 1



    ECAT[0].Slave[0].Sync0Cycle = 500000

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].Sync0Shift = 0

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].Sync1Cycle = 500000

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].Sync1Shift = 0


    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[0].index = $6040

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[0].subindex = 0

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[0].BitLength = 16

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[0].Input = 0


    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[1].index = $60FF

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[1].subindex = 0

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[1].BitLength = 32

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[1].Input = 0


    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[2].index = $6041

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[2].subindex = 0

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[2].BitLength = 16

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[2].Input = 1


    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[3].index = $6064

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[3].subindex = 0

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[3].BitLength = 32

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[3].Input = 1


    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDOMapping[0].index = $1602;

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDOMapping[0].PDOCount = 2;

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDOMapping[0].pPDO = ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[0].a


    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDOMapping[1].index = $1A02;

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDOMapping[1].PDOCount = 2;

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDOMapping[1].pPDO = ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[2].a


    ECAT[0].Slave[0].SyncManager[0].index = 2;

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].SyncManager[0].dir= 1;

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].SyncManager[0].PDOMappingCount = 1;

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].SyncManager[0].pPDOMapping = ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDOMapping[0].a

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].SyncManager[0].watchdogmode = 0;



    ECAT[0].Slave[0].SyncManager[1].dir= 2;

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].SyncManager[1].PDOMappingCount = 1;

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].SyncManager[1].pPDOMapping = ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDOMapping[1].a

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].SyncManager[1].watchdogmode = 0;


    ECAT[0].IO[0].Slave = 0

    ECAT[0].IO[0].Index = ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[0].index

    ECAT[0].IO[0].SubIndex = 0

    ECAT[0].IO[0].BitLength = $10

    ECAT[0].IO[0].Input = 0


    ECAT[0].IO[1].Slave = 0

    ECAT[0].IO[1].Index = ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[1].index

    ECAT[0].IO[1].SubIndex = 0

    ECAT[0].IO[1].BitLength = $20

    ECAT[0].IO[1].Input = 0


    ECAT[0].IO[2].Slave = 0

    ECAT[0].IO[2].Index = ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[2].index

    ECAT[0].IO[2].SubIndex = 0

    ECAT[0].IO[2].BitLength = $10

    ECAT[0].IO[2].Input = 1


    ECAT[0].IO[3].Slave = 0

    ECAT[0].IO[3].Index = ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[3].index

    ECAT[0].IO[3].SubIndex = 0

    ECAT[0].IO[3].BitLength = $20

    ECAT[0].IO[3].Input = 1





  16. How are you setting 0x607D?


    Are you using an ecatsdo command?




    If so try the native command


    system ethercat -m0 -p0 -t int16 download 0x607D 0 0x4444


    then read back


    system ethercat -m0 -p0 -t int16 upload 0x607D 0


    If you find the native linux command works I suspect it is because if the incorrect length is requested an error is not being returned by your device. Our ecatsdo attempts the ethercat command above and if no error is returned it returns. It first attempts an 8 bit write, then a 16 bit, then 32 bit write. I think ecatsdo may be doing an 8 bit write and gets no error and returns. I have found most devices obey this.


    We will consider adding a new command ecatsdotype(0,0,$607D,0,$4444,0,bitlength) that forces you to specify the bit length for future firmware updates.


    Hi, I'm using TI ICE Board to implement EtherCAT Slave Controller.


    To use PPMAC as EtherCAT Master, I set configure file manually.


    But there's a problem. SDO data was not downloaded correctly.

    For example, when I wrote "0x4444" to 0x607D:1(32bit object), slave receive only lower 8bit (0x44).


    This problem isn't occurred when I use TwinCAT as EtherCAT Master.

    As I know, TI ICE Board has been conformed by EtherCAT Technology Group. And I use TI sample EtherCAT CiA402 implemented source.


    I attached wireshark packet capture file and PPMAC slave configure source.

    Please help.





    ECAT[0].RTnotLRW = 1

    ECAT[0].ServoExtension = 1


    ECAT[0].DistrClocks = 1

    ECAT[0].DistrClocksCount = 0

    ECAT[0].DCRefSlave = 0

    ECAT[0].DcRefPlus = 2

    ECAT[0].DcRefMinus = 2

    ECAT[0].DcRefBand = 50000


    ECAT[0].Slave[0].VendorID = $59d

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].ProductCode = $54490001

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].Alias = 0


    ECAT[0].Slave[0].Position = 0

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].Enable = 1



    ECAT[0].Slave[0].Sync0Cycle = 500000

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].Sync0Shift = 0

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].Sync1Cycle = 500000

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].Sync1Shift = 0


    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[0].index = $6040

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[0].subindex = 0

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[0].BitLength = 16

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[0].Input = 0


    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[1].index = $60FF

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[1].subindex = 0

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[1].BitLength = 32

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[1].Input = 0


    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[2].index = $6041

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[2].subindex = 0

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[2].BitLength = 16

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[2].Input = 1


    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[3].index = $6064

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[3].subindex = 0

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[3].BitLength = 32

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[3].Input = 1


    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDOMapping[0].index = $1602;

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDOMapping[0].PDOCount = 2;

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDOMapping[0].pPDO = ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[0].a


    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDOMapping[1].index = $1A02;

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDOMapping[1].PDOCount = 2;

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDOMapping[1].pPDO = ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[2].a


    ECAT[0].Slave[0].SyncManager[0].index = 2;

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].SyncManager[0].dir= 1;

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].SyncManager[0].PDOMappingCount = 1;

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].SyncManager[0].pPDOMapping = ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDOMapping[0].a

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].SyncManager[0].watchdogmode = 0;



    ECAT[0].Slave[0].SyncManager[1].dir= 2;

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].SyncManager[1].PDOMappingCount = 1;

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].SyncManager[1].pPDOMapping = ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDOMapping[1].a

    ECAT[0].Slave[0].SyncManager[1].watchdogmode = 0;


    ECAT[0].IO[0].Slave = 0

    ECAT[0].IO[0].Index = ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[0].index

    ECAT[0].IO[0].SubIndex = 0

    ECAT[0].IO[0].BitLength = $10

    ECAT[0].IO[0].Input = 0


    ECAT[0].IO[1].Slave = 0

    ECAT[0].IO[1].Index = ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[1].index

    ECAT[0].IO[1].SubIndex = 0

    ECAT[0].IO[1].BitLength = $20

    ECAT[0].IO[1].Input = 0


    ECAT[0].IO[2].Slave = 0

    ECAT[0].IO[2].Index = ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[2].index

    ECAT[0].IO[2].SubIndex = 0

    ECAT[0].IO[2].BitLength = $10

    ECAT[0].IO[2].Input = 1


    ECAT[0].IO[3].Slave = 0

    ECAT[0].IO[3].Index = ECAT[0].Slave[0].PDO[3].index

    ECAT[0].IO[3].SubIndex = 0

    ECAT[0].IO[3].BitLength = $20

    ECAT[0].IO[3].Input = 1





  17. Can you make sure you don't have multiple copies of your app on the system.

    Maybe you are running a copy of your app that was built for the last version of firmware. You can check with the command


    system find / -name NameofYourApp.out


    Also the .h files that you should be compiling with are on the powerpmac ftp site.


    These are automatically uploaded to


    C:\Program Files\Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc.\2.0\Power PMAC Suite\powerpc-460-linux-gnu\usr\local\dtlibs


    by the IDE. If for some reason they are different that could be your problem.


    The motor structures are only found in shared memory - as you are currently doing. I/O hardware is in piom memory. See "POWER PMAC I/O ADDRESS OFFSETS" starting on page 1006.


    OK - for this issue, I don't care about piom memory, I only care about shared memory.


    As I said in my initial forum post, my C program, the IDE terminal, and the IDE motor status window don't agree on what's in the motor structures in shared memory. The IDE motor status window shows motor '1' has "Amp Enabled", the IDE terminal interface to the PowerPMAC shows:

    Motor[1].AmpEna = 1


    however when my C program uses shared memory:



    it DOES NOT show that the Amp Enabled bit is true.


    How do I determine why the C program doesn't correctly reference the correct bit? If I could determine the offset in shared memory the terminal interface uses for 'Motor[1].AmpEna , I could compare this to the offset my C program is using in shared memory.


    Again - this program used to work, and I've recompiled the program for the new libraries and IDE.

  18. [quote='KEJR' pid='4728' dateline='1363975327'] I did get the USB serial port working and am using it on a machine in production. I think at the time I ended up talking to someone at Delta Tau and ultimately Henry Bausley built a special kernel for me that included the common USB-RS232 drivers into the kernel. I would think that by now the latest kernel would have this by default. I like the FTDI based USB-232 converters but at the time I bought a TrendNet TU-S9 adapter which uses one of the prolific chips and have not had any issues. I can certainly post some code. It took me a little time to piece it together into something that would be a nice library function. I can't guarantee its perfect, but it worked for me. I have a function to open a serial port connection, and another to read in a terminated line (with timeout). I use the readline function alot for industrial devices since it is common to write a command to the serial port and then wait for a response from a device. As far as the RTOS part of it, I didn't have any speed issues or any surprises in my application. It just worked surprisingly well. Frankly I wouldn't advise trying to do anything that needed to be deterministic with the serial ports. Charles: I'm going to send you an email off list to talk about the code I have and what to do with it. KEJR [/quote] RS232 support is indeed incorporated in the kernel that ships with the latest release firmware. If you want to see what options the kernel is compiled with issue this command from the IDE terminal system gzip -d --stdout /proc/config.gz Part of the output will be: CONFIG_USB_SERIAL=y CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_CONSOLE=y # CONFIG_USB_EZUSB is not set CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_GENERIC=y # CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_AIRCABLE is not set # CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_ARK3116 is not set CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_BELKIN=y # CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_CH341 is not set . . . # CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_NAVMAN is not set CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_PL2303=y


    Attached is a project wich use Message Queue(see read_me.txt).


    I want to transfert data between rticplc and bgcplc. To do that, I use Message Queue.

    Everything works fine until I open SSH or SFTP connection with PPMAC. Each time I open SSH connection and running "gpascii -2" or each time I open a window in PPMAC IDE (like "STATUS"), execution time of rticplc and bgcplc increase up to 30ms when it was executed in 350µs.


    Did someone already observed this phenomenom and/or has already corrected it ?


    The powerpmac uses Xenomai. When you make standard linux system calls the thread you are making your call from switches from what is called primary mode to secondary mode and therefore is subject to sharing its time with regular linux processes such as ssh gpascii etc. Primary modes are scheduled by the Xenomai kernel, and benefits from hard real-time scheduling latencies, in secondary mode it is an ordinary Linux thread.




  20. The powerpmac has /dev/ttyS0 tied to a linux console but you can turn it off with the following.

    Comment the line in /etc/inittab line that has ttyS0

    This command will do it


    sed -i 's/T0:23/#T0:23/g' inittab


    Now kill the linux init process so it doesn't come back with the following command


    init q



    Go here http://papers.mpastell.com/serial.pdf and learn how to use the serial port over the linux console and you can do the following in a PLC



    open plc 1


    system"`echo Hello There >/dev/ttyS0`"





    Alternatively you can use a USB to RS232 converter in that case change /dev/ttyUSB0


    I didn't put the full path for the inittab since I tested this from the etc directory. You should probable change inittab to /etc/inittab. Also there is no way to get rid of the initial data that comes out the serial port. Some of it is from the bootloader so if the device cannot handle useless information you will have to use a USB to RS232 converter.


    sed -i 's/T0:23/#T0:23/g' /etc/inittab

  21. The powerpmac has /dev/ttyS0 tied to a linux console but you can turn it off with the following.

    Comment the line in /etc/inittab line that has ttyS0

    This command will do it


    sed -i 's/T0:23/#T0:23/g' inittab


    Now kill the linux init process so it doesn't come back with the following command


    init q



    Go here http://papers.mpastell.com/serial.pdf and learn how to use the serial port over the linux console and you can do the following in a PLC



    open plc 1


    system"`echo Hello There >/dev/ttyS0`"





    Alternatively you can use a USB to RS232 converter in that case change /dev/ttyUSB0

  22. Make sure you have setup distributed clocks set through the IDE.

    I assume you are using csp mode. Make sure that you have set your servo rate at one the amplifiers all can operate at ie. 1Khz or 2 Khz.




    I'm testing EtherCAT Drive, yet.


    I have 3 EtherCAT drive

    (AKD <- kollmorgen, CDHD EtherCAT <- Servotronix, R Advanced <-Sanyodenki)


    I am testing EtherCAT to find some strange.

    There are no problem when I work with a dedicated programs (3 motor OK)

    But they moved to the vibration as noise when connected link EtherCAT by Power PMAC.


    I did't tuning status.


    sync. DC clock problem?

    why different operate status?

  23. Hello~


    I am setting EtherCAT Drive (Sanyo Denki R Advenced)


    I have question..


    1. I type terminal window 'ecat config' when I connect AKD EtherCAT drive


    Slave 0 PDO


    Index=$6062 Subindex=0 length=32 output

    Index=$6040 Subindex=0 length=16 output

    Index=$6064 Subindex=0 length=32 input

    Index=$6041 Subindex=0 length=16 input



    2. I type terminal window 'ecat config' when I connect Sanyo Denki EtherCAT drive


    Slave 0 PDO




    why different two drive return info?


    Please use the IDE as Atul suggested. However, to directly answer your question the the PDO's displayed are the defaults that are programmed into the device.


    Some vendors will place PDO info in their device by default and others will not. If they do not you must use the setup program and load the vendors XML file. The IDE will use the vendor XML file and load the PDO information.

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