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Posts posted by jhendges

  1. If the project is a new project and resident on the local drive, no network and no share, then I am out of suggestions at the moment and I think someone from ODT support in USA needs to pick up this thread.


    Originally my issue was that the PMAC font colors were missing so I attempted to uninstall the IDE and go back to version My problem now is that I cannot install any version of the IDE 3.0+, so I don't have anything to even attempt to open projects with.

  2. Are you right-clicking and selecting run as administrator when you install. Even when you are an administrator I have had situations where this helped. Also when you run the IDE you should also do this and see if it changes anything. It is a quick test and has often given success.


    No change. I'm still getting the "Failed to create 'DTBUILDPATH' environement variable." and then the installer shuts down. I was able to install version 2 back on my computer which I promptly uninstalled since all of our projects are built in version 3 now.

  3. To expand up on the issues, I uninstalled the latest version that I installed earlier today and can no longer install any version we have of the PowerPMAC IDE on my computer. When I run the setup.exe it simply looks like it is going to start and then doesn't do anything. The process doesn't even show up in the task manager of windows. When I run the .MSI installer directly it tries to start installing the software but pretty much instantly throws the following error: "Failed to create 'DTBUILDPATH' environement variable." I've also attempted to uninstall the visual studio shells and reinstall them, however this made no difference in my ability to install the IDE. Any ideas or suggestions on how I can get any version of the IDE to install?


    One of my co-workers was attempting to install the newest version, but the installer crashed and not he cannot install any version of the IDE either. He is getting the exact same errors that I am.

  4. I updated form v3.0.1.0, and the fonts/colors that weren't working as they were in the previous version was in the editor window. The rest seemed fine and I don't really care about those as much.


    What IDE version did you upgrade from? I think these settings are stored differently for 2.x vs 3.x.


    Also, are you just talking about the editor window, or are you also concerned with fonts/colors in other windows (terminal, position, etc)?

  5. I installed the newest version of the IDE this morning (v3.1.1.0) and have had several issues with it so far. First off I uninstalled the older version of the IDE as requested by the new versions installer, but after the installation would just hang. I had to uninstall the compilers for 460 and 465 and reboot before I could get the installer to successfully install.


    After the installation I opened a project and found that the fonts and colors settings for the IDE pertaining to PMAC items are completely gone, so all of my code in the editor windows is now the same color. Is there any way to get these options back in the IDE? The options I am talking about are located in Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Fonts and Colors under the display items list.

  6. I am working on a project that will have our PMAC directly interfacing with another piece of hardware. This hardware has a .lib, .dll, and a header file for calling functions from the provided library. I have added the header file to the project but I am not certain how to properly link the library when I build the background C application. Without the library being linked I get the error "undefined reference to ''".


    Is there a good way, or is it even possible, to link the library statically when building the application?



  7. Using the ttyUSB0, I can send data all day long without a problem. Is there any good way to get data back into the PLC so I can use a value that will be returned on the serial port? I would like to get that value back into PMAC.



    The powerpmac has /dev/ttyS0 tied to a linux console but you can turn it off with the following.

    Comment the line in /etc/inittab line that has ttyS0

    This command will do it


    sed -i 's/T0:23/#T0:23/g' inittab


    Now kill the linux init process so it doesn't come back with the following command


    init q



    Go here http://papers.mpastell.com/serial.pdf and learn how to use the serial port over the linux console and you can do the following in a PLC



    open plc 1


    system"`echo Hello There >/dev/ttyS0`"





    Alternatively you can use a USB to RS232 converter in that case change /dev/ttyUSB0


    I didn't put the full path for the inittab since I tested this from the etc directory. You should probable change inittab to /etc/inittab. Also there is no way to get rid of the initial data that comes out the serial port. Some of it is from the bootloader so if the device cannot handle useless information you will have to use a USB to RS232 converter.


    sed -i 's/T0:23/#T0:23/g' /etc/inittab

  8. On some of our PowerPMACs we experience a problem with power cycles to the controller. As viewed through serial, the boot sequence gets stuck in a loop and never fully boots. It starts to boot, doesn't get very far, and then restarts. It can take two or three power cycles sometimes for it to boot properly. Is this the same issue the ECO is supposed to fix?
  9. On our PowerPMAC, we have configured Eth0 for a local network, and never haver issues with communication over Eth0. Eth1 is confiured with a static IP on our corporate network, and we can communicate to it without any issues for a period of time. After an unspecified amount of time (a few hours for certain) we can no telnet, or even ping the ip address of Eth1 over the corporate network or directly connected to that port. My interfaces file is as follows:


    auto lo

    iface lo inet loopback


    auto eth0

    iface eth0 inet static





    auto eth1

    iface eth1 inet static





    Any ideas on how we can maintain the open connection on eth1. This problem is the same on all of the PowerPMAC's we have.

  10. I would like to use regular expressions in a PLC if possible. Example code from a VB.NET application looks like this:


    Dim measurement As Integer = CInt(Regex.Match(response, "\d+").ToString)


    Apparently you can also do this in C in a POSIX system, though regular expressions are not native to ANSI C.

  11. Is it possible to use the RS232 port on a Power PMAC inside a PLC? I would like to communicate to a device over the RS232 port if possible. If so, is there any examples of how to configure the port settings, open the port, and send a command?


    I'm fairly certain this can be done from a background program, which would be acceptable, however it would be beneficial if this could be done through a PLC instead.



  12. FYI, if you aare running Windows 7, but running the IDE through XP mode, and the project files are not in the virtual XP drive, it doesn't seem to want to compile. If you move the project to the virtual drive it compiles normally.


    It's a glitch we ran into since we have a couple different firmware revisions running right now, so a couple of us are running version 1.5 in XP mode.




  13. Attached is a zip file with a PowerPMAC solution showing you how to turn your PowerPMAC controller into an Ethernet/IP slave device. Inside the zip file is a compliled working solution, as well as an EDS file for the project, a sample RSLogix 5000 project showing the device created by the solution, and a brief ReadMe text file explaining how to use it all.


    I have implemented this on a couple of our machines with great success. The device works great with a RPI of 10ms. I hope others find it as useful as we have.


    NOTE: I only saw one issue with the watchdog tripping if the RTI on your PowerPMAC exceeds 80%, causing the EthernetIP stack to stop responding in the alloted timeframe. If you're RTI is running that high though, you've got plenty of other issues going on.


    IMPORTANT: Make sure that you change the arguments at the top of "main.c" to reflect the ethernet port you are using. The MAC Address and port configuration must match. If they don't, it may give you trouble with the ethernet ports. Running ifconfig when connected to the PowerPMAC via serial will give you the MAC address for each active port.


    Best Regards,


    Jay Hendges

    Gentex Corporation


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