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Posts posted by shawnq8861

  1. I am starting gpascii remotely, and under certain conditions it starts and then immediately exits. Other than sending the excape key, what other terminal commands can cause gpascii to exit? I may be inadvertently adding something to the stdin when I send the remote command to start it.
  2. I have gotten a bit further. I have determined that the gpascii command is getting to the controller, and that my code was hanging reading the output from stdout after transmitting the gpascii command. I have corrected that issue, but I now can see that gpascii is exiting as soon as it starts up, and I am not sure why.


    Any suggestions?


    I have ordered the PPMAC Dev Kit so that I can play around with the .NET examples.

  3. I have a new PPMAC EtherLite that I can connect to with the IDE no issues. For my application, I need to connect programmatically from a Python application over either Telnet or SSH. I have Telnet working, but have hit a snag with SSH.


    I can connect to the controller via either Telnet or SSH using PuTTY. I can log in, execute "ls" and other Linux commands, and I can finally start "gpascii" and talk to the controller.


    I can also perform all of these operations programmatically from a Python application using the Python telnetlib module. No problems there.


    When I try to connect from a Python application using the most common SSH library, paramiko, I am able to log in, execute "ls" and other Linux commands, but it hangs when I try to execute "gpascii". The command is sent but there is no reply, and it hangs when I try to read the output buffer. If I garble the "gpascii" string to say "gPascii", I get an error response such as:


    ['bash: gPascii: command not found\n']


    I am about ready to give up on SSH, but that could pose problems for us if the PPMAC is later put on the external network. Any suggestions? Trying another development tool, C#/.NET or Java may be an option.

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