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CApp Custom Property

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The "CApp Custom Property" settings would be any valid command line, compiler and linker options accepted by the GNU compiler in the Linux installation. These are not described in any Power PMAC documentation. This can be found on-line though.

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I tested to set the optimization level to the compiler, and that seems to work fine.
Also tried to set a -std=c99, but I had no success. I suppose that would be more related to a kernel linux limitation.

What is intriguing me is that I didn't get how to change the Power PMAC path.
I simply tried to move set as: `/var/ftp/usrflash/Project/C Language/Background Programs/mycapp/`, but the .out file keeps being created under Background Programs.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Leandro, the following is the description about the three fields that you would need to set in the CApp Custom Property to make the custom compile work:

Make File Path:  Is the path to the custom make file.  Usually, I copy the make file generated by the IDE, make a copy of it and rename it, and leave it in the same directory.  I then modify the new make file, in you case you can add the -std=c99 option to the CFLAGS


Output Path:  This path points to where the .out is copied.  Make file creats and copies the make file, so you should make sure that you are pointing to where the output file is being copied.  For example the line PROG = "../../../Bin/Debug/capp1.out" in the make file determines the location of the .out file.   


Power PMAC Path:  is the path where the generated .out file will be copied.


I have attached and example to this post to show you how to do this.  I have doe the following.

1. Copied the IDE generated make file and renamed it to: CustomMakeDebug.mak

2. Modified the CustomMakeDebug.mak file and added the -std=c99 option to the end of the CFLAGS also I modified the PROG to the following:

PROG = "../../../Bin/Debug/test.out"

so the generated output file will be called test.out instead of capp1.out 

3. Modified the Capp Custom Property as the following:

Make File Path = C:\Users\dro.ghazarian\Documents\PowerPMAC IDE\PowerPMAC430\PowerPMAC430\C Language\Background Programs\capp1\CustomMakeDebug.mak

Output Path = C:\Users\dro.ghazarian\Documents\PowerPMAC IDE\PowerPMAC430\PowerPMAC430\Bin\Debug\test.out

Power PMAC Path = /var/ftp/usrflash/Project/C Language/Background Programs


Once you download and open the attached project, you have to go the Capp Custom Property page and make sure the paths are pointing to the local directory that you have copied the project to, since the paths in the example are based on teh project location on my machine.

Once you do a build and download you will see that test.out is being created and downloaded to the PMAC to the path set in the Power PMC Path.




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