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Installation iddues with PMAC 1


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Want to install PWin32 Pro ( not 2 ) as my setup is legacy hardware not recognized when using Pewin32 Pro 2.  When I try to install, Win XP or Win 7 both have same errror "Setup cannot proceed unless launched from the main script. Installation will abort ! "

System I am trying to auto configure is Turbo PMAC2 CPU - 3x0-603766, ACC-24E2 in slot  and Macro & IC Interface ACC-5E none of which appear in PWin32 Pro 2 as options.


Advice Anyone ??

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The Pewin32 Pro software was never released as an “inactivated” trial version that could be activated through a Site-Code/Site-Key licensing process. The original activated installation disk is needed. Since it is obsolete software Omron can no longer provide this. We can provide a trial version of the Pewin32 Pro2. This software has the “TurboSetup32Pro2” that will perform the setup of the hardware you describe. Note that after the trial version has expired the software is still fully functional, you just need to “navigate” the Freeware “nag screens” that pop-up every 45 seconds.


Here is a link to download a trial version of the Pewin32 Pro2:



Here are links to the manuals for this software with descriptions of its usage:






Here is a link to the latest TURBO PMAC USER manual on the Omron website:



Here is a link to the latest TURBO PMAC SOFTWARE REFERENCE manual on the Omron website:



Here is a link to the latest UMAC Turbo CPU HARDWARE REFERENCE (3x0-603766) manual on the Omron website:



Here is a link to the latest ACC-24E2A manual on the Omron website:



Here is a link to the latest ACC-5E manual on the Omron website:



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When using Pewin32 Pro2 and the tool "Turbo/UMAC Setup Pro2", the ACC-24E2 and ACC-5E are not available in the frop downs and you acnnot enter them manually so the tool cannot continue.  Often times it will refer to setting dip switches on SW2 which doesn't exist.

Just trying to follow the 422 page manual that advises strongly to use the setup tool  and yet we cannot with this legacy hardware.

I have all of the manuals you have listed.  Why don't you just PM me a V1 key so I prove to myself that I will have to find another route to get this system figured out ?


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The “TurboSetup32Pro2” only asks if you have an ACC-24. The specific card type is selected on the “Step 1 of 23” by virtue of “Motor Type” selection. One of the first 3 (“PMAC commutated ...”) would be selected for an ACC-24E2. The “Stepper” would be selected for an ACC-24E2S and “Non- commutated (Analog +/- 10VDC)” for an ACC-24E2A.

It is true there is no setup for an ACC-5E. MACRO setup would need to be done manually.

You might be able to “trick” the software to setup MACRO on a UMAC by selecting “Turbo/UMAC MACRO” and specify the number of MACRO ICs in the “Turbo Pmac Ultra-Light” drop-down that you have on the ACC-5E. If you select “Yes” for “Do you have any Accessory 25 or 51 in your system” then on the next screen you should select “Acc 24P2 without Option 1. I would recommend only setting up the ACC-24 of the ACC-5E separately as these are typically not needed simultaneously. As previously said though, MACRO setup would be best done manually.

I don’t know what you mean by a “V1 key”. If you need a license key for the “Pewin32 Pro2” send me the “Site-Code” generated and I can send you a “Site-Key”.

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So for my satisfaction, I want to install PMAC Executive Pro Suite and cannot because the installation aborts due to "Setup cannot proceed unless launched from the main script. Installation will abort ! ".  All that means is I don't have a license key for this version of software.  ( Read the setup.inx file in Hex and it's very plain to see ).  I have Pewin32PRO2 and don't want to trick anything or fight "trying" to fake my system.  Can I get a license key for the Pewin32PRO, not Pewin32PRO2 ?  

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There is no “external” license key for the “PMAC Executive Pro Suite” software. It is built into the installation DVD or CD. I don’t have a copy of the setup.inx file from your DVD or CD to read in HEX but I am familiar with how it works.

If you have a valid installation media the setup must be run from the “Autostart” on that CD through the “install” button on the GUI. I do not know of a way to go around this mechanism. It was designed this way to prevent unauthorized distribution of the software.

Having said that I don’t think the “PRO” version of the software had features not also in the “PRO2” and the “PRO” version did not have setup for MACRO. The “PRO2” version does have a “MACRO Ring ASCII” setup selection under the “Configure” menu, it is not “automatic” though and does expect a working knowledge of MACRO operation.

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Using the “MACRO Ring ASCII” setup selection under the “Configure” menu of the “PMAC Executive Pro Suite” is documented in the “Pewin32 Pro2 Software Manual”.

Here are links to the complete MACRO documentation manuals:




I may even have some old training materials – I’ll see if I can find them.

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