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  1. Hi, I have a 460CPU PMAC rack, I have been using this successfully over the last few months. However, I have been adding more C-code, motion programs, CPLCs, etc. to it. Recently, it has been unable to save the latest code and variables. And upon power up, I have had to download the project back onto it again. When I do a save command on the terminal, I get the following message (shortened): " cp: cannot create directory `/opt/ppmac/usrflash/Project/System': Read-only file system .... (more lines of the similar affect) cp: cannot create regular file `/opt/ppmac/usrflash/Database/pp_prog.sym': Read-only file system cp: cannot create regular file `/opt/ppmac/usrflash/Database/pp_subprog.sym': Read-only file system Successful: SaveConfiguration using /var/ftp/usrflash/Project/Configuration/pp_save.cfg Successful: SaveCustomConfiguration using template /var/ftp/usrflash/Project/Configuration/pp_custom_save.tpl Saving To Flash: Please do NOT Power off until Finished!!! Available disk space = 175096K 6960K Required disk space = 6960K Saving To Flash: Copying files to flash Saving To Flash: Syncing files to flash Saving To Flash: Mounting the flash Saving To Flash: Finished SAVING to flash Save Completed" Is this indicating that I am unable to load the project onto the PMAC as it is read-only? Am I missing some sort of permission that makes the project on the PMAC read-only? Are there any suggestions on how to fix this issue? Many thanks in advance.
  2. Yes, I double checked and both 5E3 addresses for the same card, does not overlap with any 24E3 cards on the same rack. The hardware change error has appeared on power-on a couple times, but not everytime. Unlike the watchdog which appears everytime.
  3. I am using a CPU 460ex PowerPMAC, which has been working fine. However, recently when powering up the CPU, it gets a WDTFault and disconnects from the IDE immediately. And this is now happening everytime. I also have a Macro Acc5E3 card in that rack. I have found that removing that card from the rack stops the WDTFault upon power up and the PMAC powers up as per usual. Would anyone know why this happen and how to solve the issue? I am also trying to re-install the same version of firmware (, but it always seems to fail either through the IDE or by USB. Is there a way to remove the current firmware and reinstall the same version on the same CPU? Appreciate any help.
  4. Thanks Steve for the advice. I have done just that and it is working. I guess the warnings/alarms on the System Setup window on the IDE was not so important. Just for future reference, the final working configuration was as follows: Master PMAC: //MACRO Communication Setup Sys.WpKey=$AAAAAAAA Acc5E3[10].MacroEnableA=$fc0ff00 Acc5E3[10].MacroModeA=$403000 Acc5E3[10].MacroEnableB=$1f800000 Acc5E3[10].MacroModeB=$5000 Acc5E3[10].PhaseFreq=8000 Acc5E3[11].MacroModeA=$4000 Acc5E3[11].MacroModeB=$5000 Acc5E3[11].PhaseFreq=8000 Sys.WpKey=$0 //Motor 1 Motor[1].ServoCtrl=1 Motor[1].pDac=Gate3[10].MacroOutA[0][0].a Motor[1].pAmpEnable=Gate3[10].MacroOutA[0][3].a Motor[1].AmpEnableBit=22 Motor[1].pAmpFault=Gate3[10].MacroInA[0][3].a Motor[1].AmpFaultBit=23 Motor[1].AmpFaultLevel=1 Motor[1].pLimits=Gate3[10].MacroInA[0][3].a Motor[1].LimitBits=25 Motor[1].pCaptFlag=Gate3[10].MacroInA[0][3].a Motor[1].CaptFlagBit=19 Motor[1].CaptureMode=1 Motor[1].pEnc=EncTable[29].a Motor[1].pEnc2=EncTable[29].a Slave PMAC: //MACRO Communication Setup Sys.WpKey=$AAAAAAAA Gate3[10].MacroEnableA=$0fc0ff00 Gate3[10].MacroModeA=$408000 Gate3[11].MacroEnableB=$1f800000 Gate3[11].MacroModeB=$001000 Gate3[10].PhaseFreq=8000 Gate3[10].ServoClockDiv=3 Sys.PhaseOverServoPeriod=0.25 Sys.ServoPeriod=0.5 Macro.TestPeriod=10/Sys.ServoPeriod; Macro.TestMaxErrors=Macro.TestPeriod/10; Macro.TestReqdSynchs=Macro.TestPeriod - Macro.TestMaxErrors; Sys.WpKey=0; //Make motor 1 a slave Motor[1].pMotorNode = Gate3[10].MacroInA[0][0].a Motor[1].MotorNodeOffset= 64 Motor[1].MotorMode=3
  5. I have a setup with two Power PMACs. Both PMACs have an acc5e3 with two DspGate3 chips each. I want to configure the PMACs so that we have one master that communicates via the acc5e3 to the other acc5e3 on the second slave PMAC to control the various other cards on the slave PMAC. However, I am having issues setting up this communication, specifically with the slave PMAC. Any help on getting the configuration working would be great. I have configured the master, and it seems happy with no errors in the System Setup. Below are the configuration I have used with it (it does use address 10 and 11): Sys.WpKey=$AAAAAAAA; Acc5E3[10].MacroModeA=$403000; Acc5E3[10].MacroModeB=$1000; Acc5E3[11].MacroModeA=$1000; Acc5E3[11].MacroModeB=$1000; Acc5E3[10].MacroEnableA=$0fc00100 Acc5E3[10].MacroEnableB=$0 Acc5E3[11].MacroEnableA=$0 Acc5E3[11].MacroEnableB=$0 Sys.WpKey=$0; With the slave, I get errors that say the macro ring has been detected but the slave acc5e3 aren't connected to the slave. Below is the configuration of the slave (it does use address 10 and 11): Sys.WpKey=$AAAAAAAA; Acc5E3[10].MacroModeA=$1000; Acc5E3[10].MacroModeB=$1000; Acc5E3[11].MacroModeA=$1000; Acc5E3[11].MacroModeB=$1000; Acc5E3[10].MacroEnableA=$0fc00100 Acc5E3[10].MacroEnableB=$0 Acc5E3[11].MacroEnableA=$0 Acc5E3[11].MacroEnableB=$0 Sys.WpKey=$0; Many thanks, J
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