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  1. I see. Thanks for the clarification. Yes, it returns its result to the caller which makes sense. Thanks.
  2. Thanks very muchAAnikstein for your suggestions in both threads: In fact, I tested a C Background program that will be compiled into a .out file which could be further invoked by Linux. This approach seems to be working in that from SSH connection, instead of entering the STDIN Open for ASCII Input, we could call that .out file to monitor status of specific variable and use C command of printf to send that message to the Terminal where could be obtained by its caller. Thanks.
  3. Hi all, I found that once #1p is issued from Power PMAC, we could get R position from Terminal. However, once cmd"#1p" is executed within motion programs, we couldn't get such message from Terminal. So I just wonder for some reason, the message report from motion program is disabled? Thanks.
  4. Hi all, Just wonder if pmc file is compatible with Linux command like echo.
  5. Hi all, I'm pretty new to PowerPMAC so this might be an easy question to you. I would like to print a simple debug message "Hello World" to the Terminal at the end of one of the motion programs (*.pmc file). Any suggestions are welcomed. Thanks.
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