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  1. I'm designing an extruder with a 100:1 NEMA 17 motor. When I went to test the motor yesterday it it wouldn't turn I took the gear box off and the motor itself would turn, but the gearbox wouldnt. When I dismantled the gearbox, I didn't find anything unusual, so I'm kinda stumped why it won't turn. I'm using a RAMPS board with DRV8825 drivers. Here's the motor I'm using: https://www.oyostepper.com/goods-304-Nema-17-Stepper-Motor-Bipolar-L%3D48mm-w-Gear-Ratio-100-1-Planetary-Gearbox.html Any ideas?
  2. Have a nice day! I bought 3 Nema 23 Stepper Motor Bipolar, rated at 4.2A, 3.78V, and I have a problem, I would like to know which motor driver, 3 axis controller and power supply is best for a homemade router, or any driver will do Thanks in advance
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