Power PMAC-NC16
Discussion specifically about the Power PMAC-NC16 Software.
53 topics in this forum
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What is the use of slave to slave in PMAC ide? Why is the output in my slave to slave greyed out?
Last reply by steve.milici, -
- 0 replies
I'm designing an extruder with a 100:1 NEMA 17 motor. When I went to test the motor yesterday it it wouldn't turn I took the gear box off and the motor itself would turn, but the gearbox wouldnt. When I dismantled the gearbox, I didn't find anything unusual, so I'm kinda stumped why it won't turn. I'm using a RAMPS board with DRV8825 drivers. Here's the motor I'm using: https://www.oyostepper.com/goods-304-Nema-17-Stepper-Motor-Bipolar-L%3D48mm-w-Gear-Ratio-100-1-Planetary-Gearbox.html Any ideas?
Last reply by Peach, -
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- 6 replies
I want to check the actual torque of the motor under the speed model, and the mapping value found in the PDO of the Ethercat communication has been fluctuating between 0 and 62355 due to fluctuation, and the conversion back is actually fluctuating around 0. Is there any feedback value or address of the parameter of the actual torque of the motor in the PMAC? Is there a feedback value for the actual motor torque parameter in the PMAC or a feedback address for it? Is it in the encoder table? Also why is IQcmd as a current command value the same as the position value? The configuration file is configured with Motor[1].ctrl = Sys.servoctrl.
Last reply by Alex Anikstein, -
- 18 replies
Now I want to use the custom servo algorithm of power pmac. After using the ether cat communication motor, After changing the usrcode.c file to compile mode,I added a custom adrc algorithm to usrcode.c. double adrc(struct MotorData *Mptr) { _desvel=(Mptr->DesVel/sh)/1000; _actvel=(Mptr->ActVel/sh)/1000; / _actpos=(Mptr->ActPos - Mptr->HomePos)/1000;/ _poserror=(Mptr->PosError)/1000; //open-loop routine if(Mptr->ClosedLoop) { e1 = (_actpos - z1); z1 = (3*wo*e1 + z2)*sh + z1; z2 = (3*pow(wo,2)*e1 + z3 + b0*_u)*sh + z2; z3 = (pow(wo,3)*e1)*sh + z3; // e1 = Mptr->ActPos - Mptr->D…
Last reply by aoligei, -
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I understand that the command position and command speed in PMAC are calculated by internal servo algorithms. So, how can I modify the actual speed value without changing the command position, so that the motor speed has an actual bias? Can PMAC achieve this? Do you have any relevant parameters? Option 1: Enable Motor [1] DacBais=20 seems to be unable to implement my idea. Option 2: Can I directly add or subtract from the output address corresponding to Motor [1]. pDac? For example, Motor [1]. pDac=sys Udata [1]. a, I can directly set sys Udata [1]=sys Udata [1]+200, but the speed remains unchanged. Why is this?
Last reply by David Jan, -
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we are developing a State machine that will be runing on the Servo loop thread to take advantage of the real time characteristics and the Matlab Code generation. The State machine we thinking of ttriggering other programs like motion programns with the Command() call. However, we are not able to include the Command() fucntion into owr C code. the following example shows the problems we are facing: double user_pid_ctrl( struct MotorData *Mptr) { if (!Mptr->ClosedLoop) return 0; if (pshm->P[1] == 1){ Send(0,"Move Up"); Command("&2 b MoveUp r"); pshm->P[1] = 0; } return 0; } C:\Users\aleja\Documents\Univ…
Last reply by steve.milici, -
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Good day, I have been following the instructions regarding the installation of MATLAB/SIMULINK TARGET FOR POWER PMAC found on the Power PMAC IDE manual (MN-000291) on a Matlab 2020b distribution. So far I have been able to install it without any issues and generate code that runs on PMAC, however, the DeltaTau menu needed to set up Tunable Parameters is missing. Where do we find the DeltaTau menu in Matlab 2020b? How should we set up tunable parameters in the 2020b Matlab version?
Last reply by steve.milici, -
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Good day, Is it posible to change the starting point of the generated trajectories from the motor[x].DesPos to motor[x].ActPos? We are currently workikng on a controller that switches from position control to force control upon detectin a collision. We want to use the PMAC built-in trajectory generation by calling motion programs from a PLC. However, to my understanding the built-in trajectory generation allways start from from the current desired position (motor[x].DesPos) and not the current actual position (motor[x].ActPos). Since we will be colliding, there is going to be a big difference between actual and desired position, making subsecuentent moves hard t…
Last reply by Omron Forums Support, -
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Inside a BgCPLC I have created a nodetree that was dynamically allocated. I am trying to implement a way to free up this memory when the BgCPLC is disabled. As no code will the run when the cplc is disabled ithought of freeing the memory the next time it is enabled, therefore I need to keep track of the previeus UserAlgo.BgCplc[i] state. I thougt of having another CPLC running that stores the UserAlgo.BgCplc[i] value into a shared P variable but this seems to be an excesivelly cumbersome solution. Is there a cleaner way to achive this behaviour? #include <stdbool.h> static bool initialized; int user_plcc() { …
Last reply by DaveBarnett, -
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Hello, i am trying to connect to Omron PLC and i can't have the communication between my PC and PLC, i am using Windows 11. when i try to connect to port 1 (Ethernet) with RJ45 no lights in the port and no light in: net run, net err and lin/act the plc that i am using NX1P2-9024DT 1.47v please let me know what i can do to fixe this issue thanks
Last reply by steve.milici, -
- 1 reply
Good day, We are implementing a custom user servo algorithm for position and force control for a linear actuator. We have already developed some testing in Matlab and would like to automatically generate the user servo code automatically as we might have to change it at a later stage. Matlab version 2023b PMAC IDE Is Power PMAC Target on MATLAB 2023b avaiable for the version we are working on or we would have to downgrade?
Last reply by leandro.martins, -
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Good day, I am thinking of building a UML FSM based on a online available framework (kiishor). However, in order to use said framework, I would require to use cmake to build the executable. Is it possible to upload the necessary files including the CMakeList.txt file to the PMAC and build it there as I will also require access PMAC's libraries for accessing the shared memory and such. Regards, Alejandro Giner
Last reply by steve.milici, -
- 7 replies
Good day, I am trying to understand how to read and write values to the GPIO port on my AX1515N (CK3M) however, the documentation avaiable hasnt helped much on this regard. For learning pourpuses, could you provide an code example that follows the folowing pseudocode: void user_plcc() { input = IN_00; // read the state of IN00 (LOW = 0V, HIGH = 24V) if (input == LOW) // blinck output 0 every 1000 ticks { static int i = 0; if(i > 1000) { OUT_00 = HIGH; } else { OUT_00 =…
Last reply by alejandrojginerd, -
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Good day, I am trying to create a CPLC that reads the GPIO located in the CK3W-AX attached to it. However, we want to test the proper workflow of the CPLC before implementing it in the actual machine. Is there a way to simulate the GPIO and shared memory (P[i]) changes within the view window? We though of using a simple arduino conected to the GPIO port since we dont know if there is a better way. Additionally, if you could provide guidance or an example on how to implement it, it would be of great help.
Last reply by steve.milici, -
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How to made axis 4 as A axis not a spindle I can only able to jog X,Y,Z but not the A and B please advise
Last reply by steve.milici, -
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I'm looking for where the C API documentation for the GetResponse function is located. I've tried the Help in the IDE and it simply says there is no content installed.
Last reply by steve.milici, -
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- 5 replies
Hi, I would like to know where I can find DeltaTau's MACRO protocol with descriptions and low level implementation?. I'm analysing the possibility to implement it in external hardware to communicate with others DetlTau's devices. Advices about MACRO protocol implementation are welcomed too.
Last reply by steve.milici, -
- 4 replies
Hi, I have a Power PMAC UMAC type controller with which I am communicating via ethernet protocol and trying to setup a voice coil motor with an analog linear encoder. I am using the motor setup topology in which I entered the amplifier information and voice coil information. But, 1. When I get to the encoder block, I enter the information and as soon as I click on Save, a connection error shows up (see image "connection_error"). Thereafter, in order to save these changes, I would have to click on connection setup and re-establish the connection between the Power PMAC and IDE (which shows connected all this time, even when the connection error pops up), an…
Last reply by jayshah15028, -
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Hi everyone, I am using a Power Brick LV and the port ETH1 is working as an EtherCAT port but I want to change it into Ethernet port. Does someone know, how to do that ? Thank you ! Best regards Melissa
Last reply by steveaaroon, -
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Hi, I am making a MFC HMI application on winOS, using a communication C/C++ library created by Delta Tau Korea. There is a function name DTKDownloadA(), it can download pmc file into pmac, but I can't find a function name DTKCompile() which to make sure the pmc file is correct.Because ACS's controller has a function name acsc_CompileBuffer(). so the question is how to compile move program after download to pmac?
Last reply by steveaaroon, -
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Hi, I know that we can add a slave by scaning the EtherCAT network on Power PMAC IDE (clicking on the master) etc. But, I wanted to know if someone know how I can do it by using commands. For example, I can activate EtherCAT network if I click on the Master then --> Activate EtherCAT network but it is also possible to activate the network with the command : ECAT[i].Enable = 1) Thank you in advance, Regards
Last reply by Alex Anikstein, -
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G-code no longer continues to run after showing 1200 lines downloaded
Last reply by steve.milici, -
- 9 replies
Hi, I am working on a communication between 2 Power Bricks LV-IMS Controller. If I am not wrong the Power Brick is set by default as as master. So, I bought a EtherCAT bridge EL6695 which permits communication between 2 EhterCAT masters and this module needs to be configure with TwinCAT. Currently, from Power PMAC IDE, I can activate the EtherCAT network and the two slaves in the EtherCAT bridge can be detected too but not the second Power Brick. Perhaps, does anyone already did this type of communication or does anyone know if it is possible to configure the Power Brick LV-IMS into a Slave ? (I found a document which says how to set Power PMAC as an EtherCA…
Last reply by Omron Forums Support, -
- 3 replies
We're building a CNC lathe but the only options in the config file are Mill or Laser. Do I need to buy a different version to get the lathe option or are those the only two available?
Last reply by Omron Forums Support, -
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Hello, We were told when we ordered powerpmac that there was a lathe function in the default project. It looks from the Gcodes and NC software like it is set up for a mill. Is there a base project with lathe functions instead of the default mill? Thank you
Last reply by steve.milici,