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  1. I have the Power PMAC working with a Control Techniques Unidrive SP in Positioning Mode. I have tried to get it working in torque mode, but no success. Was wondering what I am doing wrong? I have done Position, Velocity, and Torque mode with other Motion controllers, so I would think DT should be able to do the same. I am really trying to accomplish torque mode, because in position mode the drive is closing the servo loop, so none of the interactive tuning can be done inside of DT, all of the tuning is done in the drive. With torque mode we should be able to use the interactive tuning to more accurately tune the axis for the application. Your help is greatly appreciated.
  2. Thank you very much. There was no instruction in any manual that I could find about setting the distributed clocks. That is what I was missing. Next question have you guys got this working in velocity or torque mode?
  3. So now I have it to where the motor status window shows closed loop and amp enable. The drive is being enabled via DT, but when I try and jog the following error just counts up, but the motor never moves. I double checked that I still have feedback from the drive. It looks to me like DT is not sending a command to the drive. Not sure where to go from here. Oh, also I am in position mode.
  4. No but the DT PPMAC in the motor status window it shows an FeFatel and an Amp Fault, but the drive is not tripped.
  5. I have a power PMAC with etherCAT and I am trying to get it working with a CT Drive. I have successfully been able to close the loop, but the motor will not jog. I have position feedback coming into the DT, and the drives display says run, which means the drive is outputting power to the motor. Not sure what I am doing wrong. When I push either of the jog buttons the drive goes to inhibit, when I let go it goes back into run mode. Any help would be much appreciated.
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