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  1. when I turn off lookahead, both of two programs run correct path; but with setting up the same variables, the first motion program run unexpected path while the second program run right path.
  2. I have already post my forward and inverse kinematic routines for cs1, and set up I5150=1. but the problem still exists.
  3. With the same definition of lookahead, like "&2 define lookahead 500,50", and same target point data, the following motion run differnce path. prog 1063 runs wrong path while prog runs correct path, who can tell me why? thank you very much! OPEN PROG 1063 CLEAR ABS FRAX(X,Y,Z) LINEAR P8007=0 while(P8007< P8010) M855=0+p8007 M857=100+p8007 M859=200+p8007 M861=300+p8007 M863=400+p8007 M865=500+p8007 F(P4050) TA(P4051) X(m854)Y(m856)Z(m858)A(m860)B(m862)C(m864) endwhile M1014==1 DWELL10 CLOSE ;for example, when p8010=3 OPEN PROG 1066 CLEAR ABS FRAX(X,Y,Z) LINEAR P8007=0 while(P8007< P8010) M855=0+p8007 M857=100+p8007 M859=200+p8007 M861=300+p8007 M863=400+p8007 M865=500+p8007 p(6001+100*P8007)=m854 p(6002+100*P8007)=m856 p(6003+100*P8007)=m858 p(6004+100*P8007)=m860 p(6005+100*P8007)=m862 p(6006+100*P8007)=m864 endwhile F(P4050) TA(P4051) X(p6001)Y(p6002)Z(p6003)A(p6004)B(p6005)C(p6006) X(p6101)Y(p6102)Z(p6103)A(p6104)B(p6105)C(p6106) X(p6201)Y(p6202)Z(p6203)A(p6204)B(p6205)C(p6206) M1014==1 DWELL10 CLOSE
  4. I define lookahead as following: command "&1 delete lookahead" command "&1 #1->I" command "&1 #2->I" command "&1 #3->I" command "&1 #4->I" command "&1 #5->I" command "&1 #6->I" COMMAND"&1 Define Lookahead 50, 10" I5150=1 COMMAND"&1b1042r" motion program: OPEN PROG 1042 CLEAR ABS FRAX(X,Y,Z) LINEAR F(P4050) TA(P4051) X(P4041)Y(P4042)Z(P4043)A(P4044)B(P4045)C(P4046) M1014==1 DWELL10 CLOSE I-Variable: I5113=10 I5120=25 Ixx16=500 Ixx17=2 But it doesn't run with "run time error" in coordinate 1. why?
  5. I want to forbit terminal users uploading or downloading PLCs or Programs by Pewin32PRO2. My Turbo PMAC is a standard Turbo Pmac Clipper. How can I encryption the PLCs and programs? Thank you !
  6. Product: Turbo Pmac2 clipper 1. For example, there are ten points on the path, like p1,p2......p10, and I want to use kinematic algorithm from point p5 to p6 and other points without kinematic algorithm. How to generate a continuous path from point p1 to p10 without stopping in the process? 2. In a program, there is possible that some points execute kinematic algorithm while the others don't?
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