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  1. Here is short video guide: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ldt9bdfzJzJHxdk4ffmdUcrd1ZdbBX1F/view?usp=sharing
  2. When you replace your INI-config file with the default one, you loose all your workspace settings (Project files, Layout, Editor fonts|colors, Settings of child windows etc.). My way to go: 1. Get current INI-file from C:\Windows\PEWIN32PRO2.INI 2. Find and open file in text-editor 3. Remove line DefaultDevice=nnnnnn in the section [MainForm] or set DefaultDevice=0 4. Save file. 5. Run Pewin32
  3. Does pmac try to search for definitions, when reporting is enabled?
  4. I have just searched one more time through all the header files in last two projects and really found definitions for b1, b2, b3 as follows: #define k1 q221 #define b1 q222 #define k2 q223 #define b2 q224 #define k3 q225 #define b3 q226 Did I get the values of Q-vars? But when I point to B100, B1101 buffers I get ERR003 error. Sometimes I get ERR003, when point to B5, B6 buffers. There aren't any definitions #define for them, and programs are downloaded to pmac. I have reinstalled the PMAC Suite and all have been ok for one day. Then I got this problem again. My colleague connects to the same pmac and doesn't have this problem. He does not have source files for this project on his PC. I will change the macro names tomorrow and see what happen. Thank you!
  5. When I point to some of downloaded motion programs from Terminal, I get the value back, as if I ask for a variable value. For example: "&1B1" returns "0" and subsequent R/S doesn't start prog. "&1B2" returns "150"... What the value it is? But "&1B5" (B6, B7 etc.) returns nothing and I can start the prog using "R" or "S" as usual. Have attached screenshots below...
  6. Hello all! How queries of Delta Tau PHMI ActiveX (DQuery, DButtons, DTextDisplays, DLamps etc.) can be used for example in Visual Basic 6.0? When I use them inside PHMI, I point for string property text like "Devices.Pmac1.m1" if I want to get value of m1 variable. This is because PHMI has object "Pmac1" in parent section "Devices". In VB6 I declare "Public Pmac1 As PmacDevice". Is it a way to send a query to this using DQuery (DButtons, DTextDisplays, DLamps) ActiveX and how to build text query in the right manner? Thank you!
  7. In my app motors #3 and #4 belong to the same vertical axis Z (#3->100z, #4->100z). I use Master/Slave config (position following mode) to control the axis. Motor 3 is a Master, Motor 4 is a Slave. In feedrate (linear) moves motors have almost equal speeds but different actual positions at the end of move. Position difference depends on feedrate setpoint. For example, if both motors go from z0 to z500 at speed F900, at the end of move actual position of Master is 500, Slave - 500.35 mm. The same move by F9000 gives actual position of Master 500, Slave - 503.5 mm! How to get positions of both motors the same? In feedrate (linear) moves (G01, G02/G03) both motors have nearly the same speed, defined by F-code. But in rapid moves (G00) Slave has double speed as compared to Master's one. Why does it happen? Speeds both in linear and in rapid moves are defined by Ixx16 variables, as Ixx90=1. So if I316=1, motor #3 moves at speed 10 mm/s, motor #4 - at 20 mm/s. In jog moves both motors have the same speeds, defined by Ixx22 variable of Master. Actual positions at the end of move are equal and do not depend on jog speed. All the i3xx, i4xx parameters are the same, except the following: I302=$78014; I402=$7801C I303=$3503; I403=$3504 I304=$3503; I404=$3504 I305=$3504; I405=$3503 I306=0; I406=1 I313=58000; I413=0 I314=-3000; I414=0 I325=$78010; I425=$78018 I383=$78011; I483=$78019
  8. I've been exploring the problem and found that actually there are separators (new line symbols I suppose) between values in the received string. The problem is that TextBox control does not show it, but the simple Label control does! So the reason is in my app, not in PMAC.
  9. I've been exploring the problem and found that actually there are separators (new line symbols I suppose) between values in the received string. The problem is that TextBox control does not show it, but the simple Label control does! So the reason is in my app, not in PMAC. [attachment=862]
  10. I use GetResponseEx function in my C# app to get values from Clipper board. But when I try to get values of several consecutive variables, "P1..3" for example, I get reply without spaces, so it's impossible to split it to individual values. So if P1=10, P2=200, P3=3, I get "102003". RawGetResponseEx function gives the same result but with "-" sign at the end: "102003-". How can I get many values, separated with specified (known) charachter? Something like "10 200 3" or "10&200&3".
  11. I use GetResponseEx function in my C# app to get values from Clipper board. But when I try to get values of several consecutive variables, "P1..3" for example, I get reply without spaces, so it's impossible to split it to individual values. So if P1=10, P2=200, P3=3, I get "102003". RawGetResponseEx function gives the same result but with "-" sign at the end: "102003-". How can I get many values, separated with specified (known) charachter? Something like "10 200 3" or "10&200&3".
  12. Dear Delta Tau Team! Is there the way to get Pewin32Pro2 tool in Russian? We are ready to provide translation of the user interface. It would be great if UI can be adаpted through the separate external language file like one in the NCLanguage ActiveX.
  13. Clipper board has MAC address FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF. This makes impossible accessing the board remotely through the local router, as such MAC address is a broadcast one. We need this for the remote customer support, so MAC address must be a proper one. How could we change MAC address of the Clipper board? Bootstrap, F/W download or Store ID doesn't change it. Other boards we've bought have quite normal MAC addresses like 00-50-C2-XX-XX-XX.
  14. Did nobody really face this problem at all? I'm trying to reproduce this situation on Clipper board placed in control box to control real XYZ axes with stepper motors. There are tests I do: 1. Switching off of the board power supply during program execution. 2. Reduction of board power supply till it stops execute programs. 3. Sporadic issuing out a SAVE command from Terminal and PLC. All above does not result in flash memory loss... The board does recover saved config from EEPROM to RAM and go on with normal operation... I catch this situation only once. Customer had memory loss problem about 4-5 times during a half-year. I need to resolve this issue a.s.a.p. What reason can theoretically lead to EEPROM erasure? Any relevant feedback will be much appreciated.
  15. There was several times by our customer and once on another Clipper board in our office. Customer says that after normal operation PMAC sudden stops to react on any commands. Readout of program memory through Pewin32/View/Program PLC Status shows none of the programs in the memory! All the M-var definitions reset to nothing (Mxxxx->*). All the P-,M-,Q-var values reset to 0. All the I-var values reset to their factory default values... In office it happen in the morning after regular power on of Clipper. None of the heavy loads or frequency control devices have been working during power-up. All the Clipper E-jumpers are in the default state. Clipper does work standalone without NC Runtime shell. What could it be and by what probable reason? Any suggestions?
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