I'm using Pmac2A/PC104 with OPT12. 12bits ADC input, I wish to use this input as the motor feedback device.
I did follow the instruction set the following
CPU Analog Inputs
I903 = 1746 ;Set ADC clock frequency at 4.9152 MHz
WX:$C014, $1FFFFF ;Clock strobe set for bipolar inputs
M105->X:$0710,12,12,S ;ADCIN_1 on JMACH1 connector pin 45
M205->X:$0711,12,12,S ;ADCIN_2 on JMACH1 connector pin 46
During set-up encoder conversion table, there are only "Acc28 A/D register (no rollover)" in conversion type. Source Address "$C005 PMAC2(ADC1A)"
But, I found that the value at position not tally to the value M105. The origin position feedback is 16 bits data, how to configure it to 12 bits?