The current position of an Ethercat drive is a 4 byte (32 bit register $6064:0).
When a spindle rolls over the maximum value (2^32 - 1) I assume there is a register somewhere that increments so that values greater than 2^32 can be computed.
My problem is how do you reset this register?
I Home zero the Ethercat drive by writing direct to the Ethercat registers
sdo=ecatsdo(0,5,$6098,0,35,0) // Home current Position
sdo=ecatsdo(0,5,$6060,0,6,0) // Set Drive in Homing Mode
sdo=ecatsdo(0,5,$6040,0,31,0) // Start homing
sdo=ecatsdo(0,5,$6040,0,15,0) //control word back to normal
sdo=ecatsdo(0,5,$6060,0,8,0) //Back to CycSyncPos Mode
This works fine and sets the $6064:0 to zero however it obviously doesn't clear the PPMAC registers bits 33 and above
Now I could just set Motor[x].HomePos = 0x1,0000,0000 but I'd prefer to actually clear the register