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  1. Hello, I have a simple equation that defines actual pos (mm) using counts. It looks something like this P= 100*sin((P5-10000)/P117)+100 Where P5 is counts and P117 is a constant. My problem is: Theoretically I should be able to differentiate this position formula to get Velocity, and then again to get acceleration; but there is now time variable in this equation to differentiate with. Im trying to find the max accel that the robot arm sees through this motion. What am I missing here (other than time)? Thanks Dave
  2. CLOSE END GATHER DELETE GATHER DELETE TRACE OPEN PROG 5 CLEAR ABS P221=0 TA(P200) TS(P201) F(P202) DWELL(10) x(100) DWELL(100) TA(P100) TS(P101) F(P102) DWELL(10) Y(183) DWELL(100) WHILE(1=1) TA(P200) TS(P201) F(P202) DWELL(10) X(730) DWELL(2000) TA(P200) TS(P201) F(P202) DWELL(10) X(100) DWELL(1000) P221=P221+1 DWELL(1) END WHILE CLOSE I would like to insert this following program in the loop of the program above. This program has a motor in another coord system. TA(P500) TS(P501) F(P502) DWELL(0) Z(4) TA(P500) TS(P501) F(P502) DWELL(0) Z(0) DWELL(0) DELAY(2000) Yes this is on a PMAC Turbo PCI, wrong forum sorry. I can run the programs at the same time by issuing the & commands on the same line but then the movements between the robots are not syncronized because one of the motors runs on a function with variable acceleration. I want to start the program, have it run the robot in coord system 5, pause/stop, cycle robot in coord system 4, pause/stop, continue coord system 5 robot and repeat.
  3. Hello, I am a new Delta Tau user... I am using PEWIN32PRO to control two robots in two coordinate systems, seperately they work fine but if I try to call the program for the motor in a different coordinate system, I can see that it is running the program but the motor doesnt move (I can see that its calling the program because I have a cycle counter set up and I can see it counting). I have also tried renaming the called program as a sub program by using "open subprog '#' ". I have also tried putting the motor in the same coordinate system but I think because of the way our system is set up that it cannot run this way. Is there a way to run a program from another program which will operate motors from another coordinate system? Thanks! Dave
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