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Everything posted by J0hann

  1. J0hann

    POSIX queues

    Hello all, I am facing an issue using the POSIX queue libraries (mqueue.h). My goal is to make the different capp to exchange data with the rtiplc (basically for errors managment). I have made a simple test today. On one hand, I created a queue in a capp (using mq_open) and send some data in it (mq_send). On the other hand, I openned this very same queue (through the same name) in the rtiplc.c and tried to read the sent messages (mq_receive). It appeared that the sending process (the capp) filled up the message queue until the mq_maxmsg is reached. Indeed, I observed that the receiving process (the rtiplc) did not receive anything. In fact, I observed that the two opened queues are DIFFERENT. I made a second test opening two queues with different names in the capp and the rtiplc. The one opened through the rtiplc is seable in the /dev/mqueue Linux file system. The other one is not visible in this interface. I suppose that there is a wrapper around the POSIX mq_open call in the capp but not in the rtiplc. Is it expected ?! For information, I have just tried with the SYSTEM V IPC queue library (msgget) and the data exchange is perfectly working. However, I'm wondering if this is the right solution, as I might expect a lot of switches between the primary and secondary modes... Thank you in advance for replying !
  2. Great, it worked! Thank you very much! I upgraded the firmware to the last available version ( and the "build and download" process deleted all the .c files. Now it does not download them anymore. And my computer's firewall well detected rsync! Sorry for the bothering and thank you again for your time! In the future I'll keep updated the firmware together with the IDE.
  3. Ok, thank you very much for your time. As far as I remember I always used the uninstaller... But following your advice, I'm going to downgrade to version 1.5. Thank you again!
  4. Sorry for the misunderstanding! vers date Oct 30 2012
  5. Version Date 06/30/2014 Thank you very much for your concern!
  6. As I said before, I already turned the download option to "No". So I opened a new project as you advised. By default, the option is still set to "No" as illustrated in the attached screenshot. However, even with a blank project generated by the last IDE version, the C code is downloaded! I attached another screenshot of the log.
  7. Hi bradp, thank you again for your reply. Yes I always click on "Clean" before "Build and Download All Programs". No. I never tried anything like that. Because I have a long list of "Downloading xxxxxx.c" right after the "Build Succeeded". I attached a screenshot to illustrate.
  8. Thank you very much for your replies! sjlee5: as you advised, I removed all the C files from the usrflash (effectively full of my entire project). However, even with choosing "No" to the "Download C Source Files" option, all the sources are downloaded. This take several minutes, as I see a long list of .c being downloaded. bradp: my project is already built like this. Almost all my .c files are in "Content" mode. The build option works like a charm, but I cannot prevent the "Download all Programs" from downloading all the sources... I impart that a colleague of mine working on the same project does not have this issue; but he is still working on the IDE 1.5 release version... The issue appeared when I installed version 1.6...
  9. Hello, I have a systematic issue since the previous IDE release. I was hoping that the IDE 1.7 version would fix it, but it did not... Here is my (very annoying) problem: each time I download all programs to a PowerPMAC, each C source files included in the current project are downloaded to the PowerPMAC too! As I have a lot of them, it takes a huge amount of time to download the project... I saw in the PowerPMAC project general properties the "Download C Source Files" option, but no manner what the option is (Yes or No) it does download all the C source files! Is it a known issue? Do you have any idea of what I could do in order to prevent the C file to be downloaded? Thanks in advance for your replies!
  10. Ok, thank you for your reply! I'm going to take a look to this latest manual right now.
  11. Hello everyone, I would like to use the Matlab/Simulink interface in order to generates background programs. Is it feasible? According to the latest documentation I have found on FileDepot (Code generation using Real-time Workshop Embedded Coder for Power PMAC, Rev. 3_0_2009_10_08), it seems that only user servo routines can be built. I have tried with simple Simulink schemes, but the generated .c file is oriented user servo routine. The main code is contained in double interfacePPMAC_user_servo(struct MotorData *Mptr){ ... } As a consequence, I cannot compile it as a capp... Is there any solution? Thank you in advance for your replies! EDIT : Note that I can do it by manipulating the generated .c file, but I would like to know if this can directly be done from MATLAB.
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