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  1. Many Thanks, Charles. Sorry for almost forgetting my post. Finally, I found the root cause that some of important M-variables's address configuration were lost such as open-loop mode bit, amplifier-enabled status bit, and home-complete bit. I am also confused occasionally the coordination system definition's go into disorder(For example, &1: #1->X #2->Y #3->Z, change to &10: #1->X &11: #2->Y #3->Z) especially after I tuned the motor PID parameters. When I redo the coordinate definition, PEWINPro32 2 pop a messagebox which says "best optimal value for I68 =0".
  2. I am using VC8(Visual Studio 2005 C++) IDE.
  3. Hi, Everyone, Based on PComm32Pro SDK, I am developing my PMAC Clipper control applications. My computer's CPU is Intel Core i7-2600 multicore CPU. I found that PMAC Clipper behaves abnormal( Often NO response to motion commands). Have anyone experienced? Thanks.
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