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  1. I am setting up 6 Sanyo Denki Series 3 drives to CK3E controller. The XML files have been loaded to the IDE. As I add the drives to the project and scan ethercat network I get the above error. I tried changing firmware on drives but the error remains. The project is correct as works fine on another system. Trying to create an identical system this error message persists. Can anyone advise please?
  2. I'm surprised by this, supporting DotNetCore would be a big win as it enables cross platform support. Running the Portability Analyzer on this (see attached output) it doesn't look like too big a job - 9/13 dll's are 100% compatible. The worst of the rest is 89% compatible. for the remainder: Prism - new versions support .net standard Microsoft.Build.Utilities - a .net core version now exists https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Core/ Renci.ssh - you may need to switch ssh libraries but since ssh is a standard protocol it should be fine Hope you decide to undertake it in the near future and good luck if you do
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