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  1. In the procedure of plant transfer function Identification , the complex poles and zeros frequency can be detection automatic, but the damping factor of the poles and zeros need to trial and err for a right model. it takes a long time and you may not get the correct results; is there any tips about how to choose a initial damping factor?
  2. Hi Eric, My IDE version is From the image,my system's resonant frequency is 700Hz, but The Notch filter's Lightly Damped Zero Frequency and Heavily Damped Pole Frequency are not 700Hz. It seemed Lightly Damped Zero Frequency = 0.9 * Resonant Frequency ; Heavily Damped Pole Frequency = 1.45 * Resonant Frequency ; Generally,for a notch filter, the numerator and denominator frequencies will be set same with resonant frequency; but in IDE , they are different .
  3. Why are the pole-zero frequencies obtained by the notch filter calculator different in IDE? Is there any advantage compared to the same pole-zero frequency?
  4. How should I kown the remaining time of each axis until end of the motion, such as a rapid motion, is there a structure data can get this infomation?
  5. yes , if push the motor by hand,it's clearly the static friction will be larger than Coulomb friction
  6. Hi Eric How can I kown how big this value should be, is there a recommend move to test it ?
  7. In Ver 2.6.1 firmware , it have two parameters for static friction compensation, is there a notes about how to tune Motor[x].Servo.Ksff and Motor[x].Servo.SffCycles ?
  8. The lookahead functuon and Data stucture Sys.PreCalc are all act on calculation in advance , I am confused about their different , if I setup Lookahead,will i need to optimazied Sys.PreCalc or not ? Can someone explain their difference for me , thank you!
  9. In order to solve this problem ,I update my pmac firmware to 4.1.18. $$$*** -> save -> $$$ -> download the motor stup -> download the .eni file . It is worked, problem disappered, my machine can run again. but after a few hours , I poweron the pmac, Error monitoring: "FileConfigErr" and also "PwrOnFault". then I find I can't move my motor again. the I clear the pmac, redownload project and motor setup, no error occured , but when I power cycle , there is no project load in pmac. how can I sove this problem?
  10. my powerpmac is CK3E-1410,firmware ,2.2.0(not remember exactly);IDE is; Today,After I buid and download my project to pmac, then save, then $$$. the project in pmac is still the older one . I have tried a lot of time ,It is still the same result. then I clear the pmac ($$$***, save, $$$),the older project is still in pmac. they have not been cleared. by the way , everytime I issue ' save' ,terminal window returns : save cp: cannot create regular file `/opt/ppmac/usrflash/Database/pp_cintelli.sym': Read-only file system cp: cannot create regular file `/opt/ppmac/usrflash/Database/pp_global.sym': Read-only file system cp: cannot create regular file `/opt/ppmac/usrflash/Database/pp_swtbl0.sym': Read-only file system cp: cannot create regular file `/opt/ppmac/usrflash/Database/pp_swtbl0.txt': Read-only file system cp: cannot create regular file `/opt/ppmac/usrflash/Database/pp_mrc.sym': Read-only file system cp: cannot create regular file `/opt/ppmac/usrflash/Database/pp_prog.sym': Read-only file system cp: cannot create regular file `/opt/ppmac/usrflash/Database/pp_local.sym': Read-only file system cp: cannot create regular file `/opt/ppmac/usrflash/Database/pp_stn_mro0.sym': Read-only file system cp: cannot create regular file `/opt/ppmac/usrflash/Database/pp_swtbl2.sym': Read-only file system cp: cannot create regular file `/opt/ppmac/usrflash/Database/pp_subprog.sym': Read-only file system cp: cannot create regular file `/opt/ppmac/usrflash/Database/pp_swtbl1.txt': Read-only file system cp: cannot create regular file `/opt/ppmac/usrflash/Database/pp_mtrcfg.sym': Read-only file system cp: cannot create regular file `/opt/ppmac/usrflash/Database/pp_ectcfg.sym': Read-only file system cp: cannot create regular file `/opt/ppmac/usrflash/Database/pp_swtbl1.sym': Read-only file system cp: cannot create regular file `/opt/ppmac/usrflash/Database/pp_swtbl3.txt': Read-only file system cp: cannot create regular file `/opt/ppmac/usrflash/Database/pp_swtbl3.sym': Read-only file system cp: cannot create regular file `/opt/ppmac/usrflash/Database/pp_swtbl2.txt': Read-only file system cp: cannot create regular file `/opt/ppmac/usrflash/Database/pp_hardware.sym': Read-only file system cp: cannot create regular file `/opt/ppmac/usrflash/Database/pp_mro0.sym': Read-only file system cp: cannot create regular file `/opt/ppmac/usrflash/Database/rom Firm.war': Read-only file system cp: cannot create regular file `/opt/ppmac/usrflash/Database/move SaveToFlash: mount SaveToFlash: Finish SAVING to Flash. Save Complete before today everythig is normal . does somes guys know why? Inaddition ,after powercycle of $$$, I can't move my motor, It is seem that my motor setup is not load or loosed. my motor setup is saved in where inside the pmac's flash ? is it in project database?
  11. i have tried system" gather -u /var/ftp/usrflash/sample.txt" and system"/opt/ppmac/gather_csv/gather_csv -u /var/ftp/usrflash/sample.txt",and they have the same effect, all creat a txt file named sample in /var/ftp/usrflash. but I still dont now why they are same.
  12. gather -u /var/ftp/gather/ggg.txt what is the difference between gather_csv and gather?
  13. In powerpmac,after I used data gather function ,such as : Gather.enable=2 x10 x20 Gather.enable=0 Can I export the gather data as a *.txt file or other file format for outside use.Not use the powerpmac ide's ploting funtion.
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