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Power Brick LV - Board 0


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I'm having some trouble to start a stepper motor on channel 5 of a Power Brick LV since the PowerBrick[0] board is not working. Is there a way to start this motor using only the PowerBrick[1] board, perhaps bypassing board 0? 

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Hi everyone, I'm continuing this thread in place of  @Vit_SA

Yesterday I took the time to connect the Power Brick LV controller (PowerPC), which is having problems. 

@steve.milici when the controller is switched on, the display reports Bus Under Voltage "u" and when the Power motor is switched on, the dot "." appears as it should, see images below.

In solutions Explorer, in System -> Hardware, PowerBrick LV[0] does not appear and I imagine that this may have rendered much of the controller unusable, since it is not possible to run the PowerOnReset PLC, because BrickLV.Reset=1 reports that it did not find Gate3[0], as shown in the terminal print,

Following the recommendation sent by @Gregs, I changed the value of the registers according to the software manual,

Gate3[0].PhaseServoDir = 3, External phase clock, external servo clock
Gate3[1].PhaseServoDir = 0, Internal phase clock, internal servo clock
Gate3[1].PhaseFreq = 10000
Gate3[1].ServoClockDiv = 4
Sys.RtIntPeriod = 0 
Sys.ServoPeriod = 1000 * (Gate3[1].ServoClockDiv + 1)/ Gate3[1].PhaseFreq
Sys.PhaseOverServoPeriod = 1 / (Gate3[1].ServoClockDiv + 1)

This made it possible to download the code at the previously chosen phase, servo and RT frequencies. However, it was not possible to remove the AmpFault and I2tFault status from motors 5...8, as the initialization of PowerOnReset was not completed.

If it is possible to operate with the last four channels of Gate3[1] please show me and if you need more information I am also available. Thanks in advance! 







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