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Downloading Configuration From USB Drive


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We require the USB configuration due to consistent issues with vital steps missed through the IDE, so having a thumbdrive to eliminate human error seems necessary at this point.

Currently loading onto a PowerBrick from USB drive. It seems to be loading the project itself fine, I have checked in the PMAC files (both through ftp and uploading the code from the PMAC after the thumbdrive upload) and it appears identical to the expected project.

Unfortunately, every time the IDE is open it gives the project load error. When attempting to run the uploaded code that was on the PMAC, it results in an error involving the capp.out file.


I have tried both methods mentioned here:

And it always results in the same error:



How can I troubleshoot these errors/prevent them in the future when configuring with the USB?

Edited by msilverman
Clarity and further development in issue
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With the desired setup built and downloaded, config files downloaded, I've then connected to the PMAC to access the usrflash folder.



From there, I copy the contents into my own flashdrive in a PowerPMAC folder, as the steps in the linked forum post instruct.




To make sure that the PMAC begins in a factory reset state, I issue the '$$$***' command, power off, eject then add the programmed USB, then power on again.


This is where the ProjectLoadErr and PwrOnFault occur, after turning on power with the USB in the PMAC and connecting to the IDE.


In order to see what the flash has programmed the PMAC with, I upload the project from the PMAC.







From here, I will try both building and downloading the project that appears to have been loaded into the IDE, then factory resetting, and opening the archive it has made of the PMAC code and building and downloading that project as well.

(The message that gave me the impression that the project was loaded and opened in the IDE:

image.thumb.png.f5edd1b01a2d7265dc6bf340caa132b0.png )

On attempting to build and download all programs from the code that was opened from the PMAC, this is the message that I receive.


I will then double check by sending the factory reset command.


Next, I will clear the current solution, then open the program in the IDE from the archive that was created earlier.







Now that the PMAC has no program, the old program that was archived is open in the IDE, I now attempt to build and download, which results in the exact same error.


Edited by msilverman
Removed accidental image upload at end to avoid confusion
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Uploading a project from PMAC may not create a complete project if “Download C Source Files” is not set to “Yes” or encryption is on in the project properties. In addition, a “Build” would need to be implemented to generate the object code files for all C programs present if the source files were present.

Creating a “bootable” USB drive in this way you describe here would not be valid. The project folders on “/var/ftp” are not the full PMAC project. They are only the “run-time” in volatile memory. The full PMAC project is stored at “/opt/ppmac”. Also, the “Download C Source Files” in the project properties must have been previously set to “Yes”.

Use instead the “Recovery Disk” tab of the Ide’s “Backup Restore” menu. This is documented in the “Power PMAC IDE” manual under the “Backup Restore” menu starting on page 72 (vs Specifically see the section “Recovery Disk page” starting on page 75. This must be done after a full “Build and Download” of the IDE’s saved (on PC) project.

This is fundamentally a technical support issue. You can contact ODT's direct technical support with your full issue details at: ODT-Support@Omron.com

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