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Git submodules under "PLC Programs" folder


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I have been investigating if there is a way to include git submodules in the project.

Initially, we'd like to keep tracking of the version of each PLC in a git repository, but that could be useful for other instances (e.g. motion programs, kinematics).

I have edited the .ppproj to include the new folder created by the submodule, the same approach described in the topic:

I got the same problems, however I figured that if I add the whole path (including the new folder) to the pp_proj.ini, then the PLC is recognized by the PowerPMAC, and could be executed just like any PLC.

Unfortunately, on the next time that did a download on the IDE, the pp_proj.ini is overwritten, ignoring the submodule folder.

I'd like to know if there is a way of doing that without have any conflict with the IDE.

Thank you in advance.


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Thank you for checking Steve.

We're already thinking in keep the submodules in a different location and automate the process to include in the project structure.

Anyway, if your permit me, I'd like to let this as suggestion to be considered for future IDE releases.
I think it could be pretty useful, and my ingenuity make me think that it wouldn't be a very hard to recursively generate the "pp_proj.ini" from a project with more levels then now.
But I also understand if that doesn't fit in the roadmap.


Thank you again

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