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Reading Fault Status From 1S Drive


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When i have a fault on a 1S drive I want to read the specifics of the fault from my PMAC.  I've toyed with retrieving the Sysmac Error Status (0x2002:01) and similar but it has caused errors and EtherCAT will not activate.  Are there any suggestions for doing this?  Hopefully there is just an Application Note I've missed.


Thanks in advance,

Edited by MarkDR
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The “1S” error codes are found in object “Index 4000h”. There are three subindexes. See section “9-8-1” of the “1S” manual for details.

You can read these in PMAC using the “ecattypedsdo()” function. This is documented in the “Power PMAC Software Reference Manual” in the chapter “Power PMAC Script Mathematical Feature Specification” specifically in the section “EtherCAT Network Functions” on page 1566.

Here’s an example of reading “subindex 81 hex (Error Full Code)”.
Function arguments:
EtherCAT network index = 0 (your value needed)
EtherCAT slave index = 0 (your value needed)
Direction of access = 1 (read)
Index number of SDO = $4000
Subindex number of SDO = $81
Dummy data value = 0
Data size = 4

Usage in a program or as an “on-line” command (trailing “L0” reports the result):
L0 = ecattypedsdo(0,0,1,$4000,$81,0,4)
L0 = ecattypedsdo(0,0,1,$4000,$81,0,4) L0

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The “ecattypedsdo()” function should not be used cyclically as it interferes with the mapped PDO network synchronization. This should only be used infrequently in an “on-demand” need. For “cyclic” needs this should be mapped as a PDO.

This is may have already been mapped through the “Mirror” object, 603F hex (Main code only, 4000 hex: Error Full Code, Subindex 82 hex: Error Code), if you have selected the “258th transmit PDO Mapping” in the “PDO Mapping” tab of the “Device Editor” for that 1S drive.

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