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How to drive a speed mode motor

David Jan

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I use CK3E to control the motor in speed mode, but the motor does not move, only the tracking error changes with my motion command
Here is my configuration file
		Motor[1].pAmpEnable = Slave_1001_6040_0_ControlWord.a
		Motor[1].AmpEnableBit = 0
		Motor[1].pLimits = 0
		Motor[1].pDac = Slave_1001_60FF_0_TargetVelocity.a
		EncTable[1].pEnc = Slave_1001_6064_0_ActualPosition.a
		EncTable[1].pEnc1 = Sys.pushm
		EncTable[1].ScaleFactor = 1
		EncTable[1].Type = 1
		EncTable[2].Type = 0
		Motor[1].pEnc = EncTable[1].a
		Motor[1].pEnc2 = EncTable[1].a
		Motor[1].pAmpFault = Slave_1001_6041_0_StatusWord.a
		Motor[1].AmpFaultBit = 3
		Motor[1].AmpFaultLevel = 3
		Motor[1].MaxDac = 28000
		Motor[1].DacShift = 0
		Motor[1].ctrl = Sys.servoctrl
		Motor[1].ServoCtrl = 1
Motor[1].FatalFeLimit =0		
		Motor[1].MaxSpeed = 100		
		Sys.WpKey = $0

Where is the problem?

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Before the speed mode control, I carried out the position mode control, the position mode control motor movement is normal, but after modifying the pointer and ethercat's motor mode to speed mode, after the build is downloaded to the PMAC, the motor doesn't move after the pointing, only the following error is moving, and the following error is moving because I set “Motor[ 1].FatalFeLimit = 0”, and I set “Motor[ 1].FatalFeLimit = 0”, and I set “FatalFeLimit = 0”. 1].FatalFeLimit =0”, if I don't set it, the motor doesn't respond, but when I change to a different brand of motor, it works fine. This has me stumped.

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Posted (edited)

@MoMoBy observing the target speed corresponding to motor [1]. pdac, it was found that the value remained unchanged and never reached 0 during jogging. Then, I used "motor [1]. pdac=sys. idata [1]. a" to determine whether the speed was transmitted to the PDAC based on the value of sys. idata [1]. The result was that idata changed and the speed was transmitted. So why was the speed given by PMAC not transmitted to the servo drive target speed address? Can I understand that there is a problem with the transmission between PMAC and the Ethercat driver? Because if running normally, the target speed in the corresponding address of the PDAC should have an exact value, so that it can be transmitted to the driver through Ethercat and the motor can move.

Edited by David Jan
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When Motor[x].Ctrl=Sys.ServoCtrl, PMAC will calculate the output value in the address set by Motor[x].pDac based on the desired position and the actual position of the feedback based on the PID parameters.

Because the output result is related to your position following error, the output value must be a changing value.


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@MoMoWhen I modify the motor mode, I enable it in PMAC, the motor automatically rotates and the speed curve is as shown in the figure, the Slave_1001_bmaXX33xx_1001_60FF_0_TargetVelocity keeps getting bigger, why don't I give any command but the value of the Slave_1001_bmaXX33xx_1001_60FF_0_TargetVelocity changes by itself? Is it because Slave_1001_bmaXX33xx_1001_60FF_0_TargetVelocity.a's address is not secure? Or is it something else?actvel1.thumb.png.d7f0afd042daa61823966a30e4c4c8ea.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

If your drive is set to velocity mode, the motor must be tuned through PMAC's tuning software to ensure normal operation of the motor.

I'm not sure what instructions you used, but the PMAC won't output any value until the motor doesn't close the loop.

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