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MoMo last won the day on October 8

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  1. Use the read instruction in the G code interpreter to obtain the data value in F{data} and perform judgment processing.
  2. If your program size exceeds 100Mb please use rotating buffer.
  3. In C, there are no restrictions on memory access, so the values you retrieve through C are the actual values stored in memory. However, in a scripting environment, you can set constraints on the access range. Therefore, the values in the scripting environment may differ from those in the C environment.
  4. NAN_Test.mp4 I did the same test and found no issues. When Sys.Ddata[1] = NaN, Sys.Udata[2] contains its low 32 bits, and Sys.Udata[3] contains its high 32 bits. According to the binary representation of NaN in the IEEE 754 double-precision floating-point standard, the sign bit (S) can be either 0 or 1, indicating positive or negative NaN. The exponent bits (E) are all 1 (i.e., 2047), and the fraction bits (M) are not all 0, with at least one non-zero bit. The above values indicate that it conforms to the definition of positive NaN. Using the C program for detection, it enters the 'P1=1' branch, indicating that it is NaN.
  5. In C, the printf function is used for formatted output. If you use the %f format specifier to print a floating-point variable with a value of NaN (Not a Number), the output may be 0, depending on the implementation environment and library behavior. It is recommended to use standard library functions like isnan to detect and handle special values before printing.
  6. I think you can try "ecat reset"
  7. Power PMAC prohibits using the cmd command to send $$$, $$$***, and similar instructions. These commands can only be sent via gpascii from the host computer.
  8. Please refer to the video in the attachment for operation. Servo.mp4
  9. I am not sure if this is a bug, as the manual does not describe how the controller responds when a new command is received during the delay period caused by Motor[x].BrakeOnDelay after executing the dkill command. Currently, it has been observed that after sending the dkill command, the brake output turns off, and the motor is disabled after waiting for the BrakeOnDelay period. If a new motion command is received during this period, the controller does not release the brake.
  10. N{data}: do not include : the line numbers with : are used for jump.
  11. Please do not use synchronous M variables as line numbers in Power PMAC. In Power PMAC, use Coord[x].Nsync to retrieve the line number. In the program, you need to add N{data} X{data} Y{data}, and be careful not to add a : after N{data}. Frequent use of synchronous M variable operations may lead to buffer overflow.
  12. Please provide a program that can reproduce the error.
  13. You can use the new version of IDE through the following link. https://www.ia.omron.com/product/tool/pmac-software/
  14. Please indicate the IDE version you are using.
  15. No, PMAC performs online interpolation, calculating a fixed step size in advance based on the motion, but it doesn't calculate the entire path at once.
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