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Power PMAC Reset failed with "MacroControllerInit" on startup


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Hi, I have three PowerPMAC BrickLV Firmware configured in MACRO ring.

I've created a MACRO initialization PLC that executes the CMD "MacroControllerInit". This PLC is called by PowerOnMotor PLC (on startup).

When I deploy the code to the controller ($$$*** -> Build and Download All Programs -> save -> $$$), it fails the reset, and I need to reboot the controller mannually from Linux environment (or power cycle). But, after the reboot, the project loads fine, and there's no more problems on controller reset. I checked the project saved to the Power PMAC memory and the PLC in question is present.

Why the reset fail only occours in first reset after the project deploy?

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Something to note:

If the project has MACRO setup changes in script header files (“.pmh”) and in the power-on PLC, conflicts with saved setup elements and the power-on PLC can sometimes happen at startup. It might be useful to have the power-on PLC with an initial timeout to avoid situations as this.

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