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How to download the firmware for ACC-82M


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To download the firmware for ACC-82M, first you need to download this file. [attachment=1272:name] or a newer firmware file developed by Delta Tau. Now you need to jumper E1 and set E3 to 1-2 position. Connect the ACC-82M to the Yaskawa drive and power-up the device. If you see and error on the Yaskawa drive, it's fine since ACC-82M doesn't communicate to the drive with these jumper settings which causes the alarm. Connect a USB cable between the ACC-82M and your PC. The USB device on the ACC-82M is a Serial Com RS-232 emulator and it should show up under device manage of windows as a Com port. Check the device manage to make sure you know the Com port number. If your computer doesn't have the correct drivers for the USB<->Serial device, you can try downloading the latest driver from [url=http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/VCP.htm]here[/url]. I have included a copy of the file here too. [attachment=1273:name] Once the Com port is up and running, run the MacroFWDown.exe from the firmware package file. [attachment=1274:name] Select the correct Com port from the list and select Other from Station type . It will ask you to browse for a BIN file. Choose teh Macro1x.BIN included in the firmware package and hit download. Once the download is complete, disconnect the USB. Power down the Yaskawa drive and detach the ACC-82M, Remove E1 jumper and set E3 to 2-3 position. now you have completely changed the firmware on your ACC-82M.
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