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Why does my new "Clipper" Watchdog (D3-led Red) on power up ? One reason is that the 5v power supply is not sufficient. In most cases the following steps will provide sufficient “in-rush” current capacity to allow the Clipper to power-up successfully: 1) Use a power supply with a minimum of +5 VDC @ 6 amps continuous current 2) Connect the +5 VDC power supply and Digital Common (Ground) to TB1 using 18 AWG stranded wire (instead of providing +5 VDC via ribbon cable connected to the JMACH1 connector). 3) Limit the length of the +5 VDC & Digital Common wires to 3 feet. 4) Adjust the +5 VDC output of the power supply so that a steady state voltage of +5.0 VDC is measured between the Clipper test points TP2 (+5 VDC) and TP1 (Digital Common). If the Clipper continues to exhibit a “watchdog” failure then we suggest using a linear power supply with a minimum of +5 VDC @ 6 amps continuous current. If the Clipper continues to exhibit “watchdog” failures on power-up please contact Delta Tau Technical Support at (818) 717-5656
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