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Live Debugging


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My company has used Delta Tau Turbo PMAC/PMAC2's for many years, and are now about to transition over to the PowerPMAC product. I have extensive experience using Visual Studio, so I am very excited to see what Delta Tau has done with the IDE. But it begs the question, does the Power PMAC support live debugging of PLC's or programs? To clarify, can you use Visual Studio to step through a program or PLC line by line? This would be infinitely more valuable than previous troubleshooting methods we have used in the past. Thanks, -Steven
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Hello, Yes there will be debugger support for PowerPMAC supported languages, C, PLC and PMC. The Debugger will be available in Dec 2010 release. Currently it is under Test/development. Atul [quote='shansen' pid='529' dateline='1279229231'] My company has used Delta Tau Turbo PMAC/PMAC2's for many years, and are now about to transition over to the PowerPMAC product. I have extensive experience using Visual Studio, so I am very excited to see what Delta Tau has done with the IDE. But it begs the question, does the Power PMAC support live debugging of PLC's or programs? To clarify, can you use Visual Studio to step through a program or PLC line by line? This would be infinitely more valuable than previous troubleshooting methods we have used in the past. Thanks, -Steven [/quote]
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