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Add Ins for Power PMAC IDE


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I know that Visual Studio supports user written "add ins", and it is clear that the items on the "Delta Tau" menu and "Tools" menu within Power PMAC IDE are VS add ins written by Delta Tau. Will we be able to write our own custom add ins that can run in Power PMAC IDE? If so, how can we communicate with the PMAC in our add in code? Will Delta Tau provide a sample add in?
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This is already possible. Since we use VS2008 shell the procedure to create your own add-in is the same as it is for visual studio. You just need to make the xml file descriptors reference the Power Pmac Suite and not visual studio and you need to put the created add-in and xml in the proper directory. In a default installation on XP this is located at C:\Documents and Settings\brad\My Documents\Power PMAC Suite\Addins. Here you find the add-in dlls and the .config files which are the xml files with the proper descriptions. Using these as an example should get you going.
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